trebor Public
A node js module to make standalone web components.
parsimmon Public
Forked from jneen/parsimmonA monadic LL(infinity) parser combinator library for javascript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2021 -
nectarjs Public
Forked from NerdLang/nerd🔱 Javascript's God Mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No GC. Just native binaries.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 23, 2020 -
trebor-tools Public
A set of internal tools that is used in TreborJS
trebor-router Public
The Official router library for TreborJS
trebor-transitions Public
Official transitions library for TreborJS
vue-ts-decorate Public
A set of TypeScript decorators for make the work with Vue.js easiest.
storm-ts Public
A Typescript ORM based on CaminteJS using Decorators and Promises.
vue-ts-decorate-loader Public
A webpack loader for use side by side with vue-ts-decorate
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2017 -
pass-cipher Public
A tiny, zero dependencies tool that teake a test and generate a hash.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2017 -
vue-tsify Public
Forked from TypeStrong/tsifyBrowserify plugin for compiling TypeScript
JavaScript UpdatedJan 21, 2017 -
absurd-css Public
Implementation of the CSS preprocessing of Absurd.js without dependencies and some changes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 10, 2016 -
vscode-opn Public
Forked from lfurzewaddock/vscode-opnOpens files in the default application for the file type set in the OS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2016 -
caminte Public
Forked from biggora/caminteCross-db ORM for NodeJS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2016 -
vscode-file-templates-ext Public
Forked from brpaz/vscode-file-templates-extVisual Studio code extenstion that allows to quickly create new files based on defined templates.
TypeScript UpdatedJul 18, 2016 -
atpl.js Public
Forked from soywiz-archive/atpl.jsA complete and fast template engine fully compatible with twig for node.js.
TypeScript UpdatedMay 13, 2016 -
dna-router Public
Forked from Saquib764/dna-routerAn advance Angular's ui-router style router provider for Polymer.
HTML UpdatedFeb 4, 2016