Questioner helps the meetup organizer prioritize questions to be answered. Other users can vote on asked questions and they bubble to the top or bottom of the log.
git clone
cd questioner
npm install
npm start
npm test
You need need postman to test APIs.
GET api/v1/meetups
Fetch all meetup records.
GET api/v1/meetups/<meetup-id>
Fetch a specific meetup record.
GET api/v1/meetups/upcoming
Fetch all upcoming meetup records.
POST api/v1/meetups
Create a meetup record.
POST api/v1/meetups/<meetup-id>/rsvps
Respond to meetup RSVP.
POST /api/v1/meetups/:meetupID/questions/
Create a questions for a specific meetup.
PATCH api/v1/questions/<question-id>/upvote
Upvote (increase votes by 1) a specific question.
PATCH api/v1/questions/<question-id>/downvote
Downvote (decrease votes by 1) a specific question.