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Preconfigured Terraform module for github_repository.

pre_commit trufflehog

This module creates a preconfigured GitHub repository.


This repository uses the Conventional Commits.

For more information please see the Conventional Commits documentation.


This repository uses the pre-commit.

Please be respectful while contributing and after cloning this repo install the pre-commit hooks.

> pre-commit install --install-hooks -t pre-commit -t commit-msg

For more information please see the pre-commit documentation.


Name Version
github 6.3.1


Name Version
github ~> 6.0


Name Type
github_actions_secret.secret resource
github_actions_variable.variable resource
github_branch_default.branch resource
github_branch_protection.branch resource
github_dependabot_secret.secret resource
github_issue_label.label resource
github_repository.repository resource
github_repository_ruleset.ruleset resource


Name Description Type Default Required
github_actions_secret Actions secret repository settings object github_actions_secret. map(string) {} no
github_actions_variable Actions variable repository settings object github_actions_variable. map(string) {} no
github_branch_default Default branch repository settings object github_branch_default. string null no
github_branch_protection Branch protection repository settings object github_branch_protection.
pattern = string

allows_deletions = optional(bool, false)
allows_force_pushes = optional(bool, false)
enforce_admins = optional(bool, false)
force_push_bypassers = optional(list(string), [])
lock_branch = optional(bool, false)
require_conversation_resolution = optional(bool, true)
require_signed_commits = optional(bool, false)
required_linear_history = optional(bool, false)

required_pull_request_reviews = optional(object({
dismiss_stale_reviews = optional(bool, true)
require_code_owner_reviews = optional(bool, true)
require_last_push_approval = optional(bool, true)
required_approving_review_count = optional(number, 1)
restrict_dismissals = optional(bool, false)
}), {})

required_status_checks = optional(object({
contexts = optional(list(string), [])
strict = optional(bool, true)
}), {})
{} no
github_dependabot_secret Dependabot secret repository settings object github_dependabot_secret. map(string) {} no
github_issue_label Issue labels repository settings object github_issue_label.
name = string
color = string
description = optional(string, null)
{} no
github_repository Repository settings object github_repository.
name = string
description = optional(string)
topics = optional(list(string), [])
is_template = optional(bool, false)
visibility = optional(string, "private")

# auto_init = optional(bool, true)

has_downloads = optional(bool, false)
has_issues = optional(bool, false)
has_projects = optional(bool, false)
has_wiki = optional(bool, false)
has_discussions = optional(bool, false)
homepage_url = optional(string)

allow_merge_commit = optional(bool, true)
allow_squash_merge = optional(bool, true)
allow_rebase_merge = optional(bool, true)
allow_auto_merge = optional(bool, false)
allow_update_branch = optional(bool, true)
squash_merge_commit_title = optional(string, null) # "PR_TITLE"
squash_merge_commit_message = optional(string, null) # "PR_BODY"
merge_commit_title = optional(string, null) # "PR_TITLE"
merge_commit_message = optional(string, null) # "PR_BODY"
delete_branch_on_merge = optional(bool, true)

# license_template = optional(string)

archive_on_destroy = optional(bool, true)
web_commit_signoff_required = optional(bool, false)
vulnerability_alerts = optional(bool, true)
ignore_vulnerability_alerts_during_read = optional(bool, true)

template = optional(object({
owner = string
repository = any
include_all_branches = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

pages = optional(object({
source = object({
branch = string
path = string
build_type = string
cname = string
}), null)

security_and_analysis = optional(object({
advanced_security = optional(object({
status = optional(string, "enabled")
}), {})
secret_scanning = optional(object({
status = optional(string, "enabled")
}), {})
secret_scanning_push_protection = optional(object({
status = optional(string, "enabled")
}), {})
}), {})
n/a yes
github_repository_ruleset Branch protection repository settings object github_branch_protection.
enforcement = string
# name = string
target = string
# repository = string

rules = list(object({
branch_name_pattern = optional(object({
operator = string
pattern = string
name = optional(string, null)
negate = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

commit_author_email_pattern = optional(object({
operator = string
pattern = string
name = optional(string, null)
negate = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

commit_message_pattern = optional(object({
operator = string
pattern = string
name = optional(string, null)
negate = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

committer_email_pattern = optional(object({
operator = string
pattern = string
name = optional(string, null)
negate = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

creation = optional(bool, false)
deletion = optional(bool, false)
non_fast_forward = optional(bool, false)

pull_request = optional(object({
dismiss_stale_reviews_on_push = optional(bool, false)
require_code_owner_reviews = optional(bool, false)
require_last_push_approval = optional(bool, false)
required_approving_review_count = optional(number, 0)
required_review_thread_resolution = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

required_deployments = optional(object({
required_deployment_environments = list(string)
}), null)

required_linear_history = optional(bool, false)
required_signatures = optional(bool, false)

required_status_checks = optional(object({
required_check = list(object({
context = string
integration_id = optional(number, null)

strict_required_status_checks_policy = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

tag_name_pattern = optional(object({
operator = string
pattern = string
name = optional(string, null)
negate = optional(bool, false)
}), null)

update = optional(bool, false)
update_allows_fetch_and_merge = optional(bool, false)

bypass_actors = optional(list(object({
actor_id = number
actor_type = optional(string, null)
bypass_mode = optional(string, null)
})), null)

conditions = optional(object({
ref_name = optional(object({
exclude = optional(list(string), [])
include = optional(list(string), [])
}), null)
}), null)
{} no


No modules.


Name Description
out Repository settings object github_repository.


This module is created by Inetum Poland. Feel free to contribute to it.


Inetum Poland TF module github-repository.




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Security policy





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