Event-driven thread notification management library for code using the pthreads extension
This library allows a parent thread to conveniently process notifications from an array of child threads, firing callbacks when a notification is received.
class SleepyThread extends \Thread{
/** @var \pocketmine\snooze\SleeperNotifier */
private $notifier;
/** @var \Threaded */
private $buffer;
public function __construct(\pocketmine\snooze\SleeperNotifier $notifier){
$this->notifier = $notifier;
$this->buffer = new \Threaded();
public function run() : void{
$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
echo "Type something and press ENTER:\n";
//do whatever you're doing
$line = fgets($stdin); //blocks until the user enters something
//add the line to the buffer
$this->buffer[] = $line;
//send a notification to the main thread to tell it that we read a line
//the parent thread doesn't have to be sleeping to receive this, it'll process it next time it tries to go
//back to sleep
//if the parent thread is sleeping, it'll be woken up to process notifications immediately.
public function getLineFromBuffer() : ?string{
return $this->buffer->shift();
$sleeper = new \pocketmine\snooze\SleeperHandler();
$notifier = new \pocketmine\snooze\SleeperNotifier();
$thread = new SleepyThread($notifier);
$sleeper->addNotifier($notifier, function() use($thread) : void{
//do some things when this notifier sends a notification
echo "Main thread got line: " . $thread->getLineFromBuffer();
//don't start the thread until we add the notifier, otherwise we could get unexpected behaviour (race conditions)
$start = microtime(true);
//do some work that you do every tick
//process any pending notifications, then try to sleep 50ms until the next tick
//this may wakeup at any time to process received notifications
//if it wakes up and there is still time left to sleep before the specified time, it will go back to sleep again
//until that time, guaranteeing a delay of at least this amount
//if there are notifications waiting when this is called, they'll be processed before going to sleep
$sleeper->sleepUntil($start + 0.05);
//alternatively, if you want to only wait for notifications and not tick:
//but from the pthreads rulebook, only ever wait FOR something!
//this will wait indefinitely until something wakes it up, and then return immediately