This is a demo of the IntegrCiTy toolchain.
This demo gives an example of how the IntegrCiTy toolchain can be used:
- consolidate and store buildings and network data in the database
- create simulation models from this data
- simulate and analyze the system, then store the results to the database
- retrieve this data to visualize the results
To install the IntegrCiTy Data Access Layer and all other Python packages needed for this demo run the following in your terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The IntegrCiTy toolchain requires Docker Engine for the definition and execution of used applications (3DCityDB, co-simulation). Please follow these instructions to install it.
On top of Docker, the IntegrCiTy toolchain uses Docker Compose for the orchestration of the co-simulation. Please follow these instructions to install it.
In addition, a working PostgreSQL implementation of the 3DCityDB has to be installed, including its extensions, the Energy ADE, the Utility Network ADE, the Scenario ADE and the Simulation Package. Such a database setup is referred to as extended 3DCityDB. For this demo, it is recommended to install the 3DCityDB as a Docker container, see here for instructions.
NOTE: This setup has been tested and verified to work with Python 3.6.8.
NOTE: It is recommended to install this demo in a separate Python environment (via conda, virtualenv or others).
- The demo uses a series of Jupyter notebooks that are intended to be executed in sequence.
To start the demo, type in your terminal:
jupyter notebook
- This will either start the notebook server in your browser automatically, or you will have to copy the URL displayed in the terminal to your browser.
- In subfolder 1_data you can take a look at the raw data that will be used for this demo.
- The actual demo starts in subfolder 2_citydb, where you will find the first notebook 2a_buildings.ipynb.