apt install python3-pip apt install tcpdump apt install tshark
pip3 install psutil
pip3 install discord_webhook
wget https://git.io/vpn -O openvpn-install.sh && bash openvpn-install.sh
Protcol [1]: 1 (You can make this whatever)
Port [1194]: 1194 (You can make this whatever
DNS server [1]: 1 (You can make this whatever)
Name [client]: Snoop (you can make this whatever)
go to /etc/openvpn/server/server.conf
change the verbosity to 4
add the status log to the main openvpn directory
Connect after you added all these configurations
Add these to server.conf:
verb 4
status openvpn-status.log
log-append openvpn.log
Webhook uses discords intergrated webhooks to display the notifications as a bot_nat-type Users: This shows the discord bot Username so if you want it Gorilla it will be called Gorilla as the bot username Serverheader: Displays the topmost header of IP I would recommend having this as your hostname Title: Displays at the topmost of the screen the text of the ddos notifications at the top Description: Additive to the title shows the text below the bottom of the title header Color: Uses decimal format on color type have this to change hte discord notis color Footergif: Shows the footer animated circle License: License just so we can verify you through our api system Image: Sets it by the title the image to right of the title. Url: Will add a clickable link to the title header Banner: Shows the animated banner at the bottom showing the feautures Footer: Add custom footer text to the ddos notifications
Completely Custom IP Location Uptime Serverload Packet Count Uptime Attack Types Incident ID Auto PCAP Openvpn Conneccted Users (numeric value) Openvpn Users Online Spoofing Banner
To make this possible we added a git function because some string arrays might mess up in regular unicode: git https://github.com/IntelligenceHostingLLC/Mikes-Notifications.git