⚡️ The module extends "The feedback company" module by adding a rest api endpoint to show the rating on the site VSF ⚡️
The module requires the installation of The Feedback Company Connect for Magento® 2 module in advance. Follow the installation instructions
1. Add the configuration of the module FeedbackCompany_TheFeedbackCompany to the composer.json file
composer config repositories.feedbackcompany-the-feedback-company git https://bitbucket.org/feedbackcompany/magento2-app.git
2. Add the configuration of the module Interactivated_TheFeedbackCompany to the composer.json file
composer config repositories.interactivated-magento2-feedback-company git https://github.com/Interactivated/magento2-feedback-company.git
composer require feedbackcompany/the-feedback-company 1.2.1
composer require interactivated/magento2-feedback-company dev-master
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush