Create responsive, mobile projects on the web with the world's most popular Bootstrap-extra Frontend Component Library on the Web. Bootstrap-extra is an updated version of Bootstrap I try to redesign some components and add some more features. Your feedback is really important to me
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- Unlimited background colors
- Set page cover image
- Badges Redesigned
- Button and checkbox Redesigned
- Card Redesigned
- Browser special title
- Flat icons installed
- Font-awesome installed
- Simple-line-icons installed
- Modal Redesigned
- Play YouTube or Vimeo Videos with Modal
- Texts limitation button
- Navbar redesigned
- 44 Image Hover effects
- 16th Shadow Effects
- Tooltips redesigned
- Show notification with sound
- Alert completely changed
- Easily Add page loading animation
- Several quick start options are available:
- Download the latest release.
- Clone the repo: git clone
- Install with npm: npm install bootstrap-extra
Thank you to all our backers! [Become a backer]