Describe your project in one/two lines.
- 404 - As a user I want to see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesn’t exist so that I know it was my fault
- 500 - As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
- Homepage - As a user I want to access the homepage so that I see the list of students
- Student page - As a user I want to see each student page so that i can learn about them
- Sign up - As a user I want to sign up on the webpage so that I can use the private features
- Login - As a user I want to log in on the webpage so that I can get back to my account
- Logout - As a user I want to log out from the webpage so that I can make sure no one will access my account
- Images list - As a user I want to see all the images available so that I can see all the images
- Image create - As a user I want to upload an image so that I can share it with others
- Image delete - As a user I want to delete an image so that I can correct a mistake
- Events list - As a user I want to see all the events, past and future, so I can decide whether I want to attend an event, or review past events
- Event create - As a user I want to create an event so that people know about my event
- Event detail - As a user I want to see the event details so that I can decide if I want to attend and/or review the details of previous´ events
- Event delete - As a user I want to keep my events up-to-date
- Projects list - As a user I want to see all the projects that have been done so that I can see the presentations, know which student did it, and see the project online.
- Project create - As a user I want to create and post my projects
- Project delete - As a user I want to delete a project
- Resource list - As a user I want to see all the resources available so that I can choose which ones I want to access
- Resource create - As a user I want to create an resource so that I can share it with the community
- See project students - As a user I want to see the project students so that i know who did what.
- See events attendees - As a user I want to see the events attendees so that i know if i want to attend.
- See events projects - As a user I want to see the events projects so that i know if i want to attend.
List of other features outside of the MVPs scope
- Add comments to images
- Include mandatory field type completion
- Insert events description in model
- Update events
- Review past events
- Link to images of events
- Include a search bar to filter events
- Attendents form
- Location field
- project detailed page
User profile:
- see my profile
- upload my profile picture
- see other users profile
- list of projects built by the users
- renders the homepage
GET /auth/signup
- redirects to / if user logged in
- renders the signup form (with flash msg)
POST /auth/signup
- redirects to / if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- name
- role
- validation
- fields not empty
- user not exists
- create user with encrypted password
- store user in session
- redirect to /
GET /auth/login
- redirects to / if user logged in
- renders the login form (with flash msg)
POST /auth/login
- redirects to / if user logged in
- body:
- username
- password
- validation
- fields not empty
- user exists
- passdword matches
- store user in session
- redirect to /
POST /auth/logout
- body: (empty)
- redirect to /
GET /images
- renders the image list
- show the create button if user is logged in
GET /images/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- renders the image create form
POST /images/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- body:
- title
- url
- category
- validation
- fields not empty
- upload file to cloudinary
- create image
- redirect to /images
POST /images/:id/delete
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- validation
- id is !valid (redirects to /images)
- id !exists (redirects to /images)
- body: empty
- deletes the image
- redirect to /images
GET /events
- renders the event list
GET /events/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- renders the event create form
POST /events/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- body:
- name
- date
- type
- validation
- fields not empty
- create event
- redirect to event list
GET /events/:id
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- validation
- id is valid (next to 404)
- id exists (next to 404)
- renders the event detail page
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- validation
- id is valid (redirects to /events)
- id exists (redirects to /events)
- body: empty
- deletes the event
- redirect to /events
GET /projects
- renders the projects list
GET /projects/create
- redirects to /auth/signup if user is anonymus
- renders the project create form
POST /projects/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- body:
- name
- studentName
- presentationURL
- projectURL
- imageURL
- validation
- fields not empty
- if validation fails redirect to form (with a flash msg)
- create project
- redirect to projects list
GET /resources
- renders the resources page
GET /resources/create
- renders the resource createform
POST /resources/create
- redirects to /auth/login if user is anonymous
- body:
- title
- url
- category
- validation
- all fields required
- if data is valid = create a new resource and redirect to /resources
- if data is invalid = create an error message and redirect to /resources/create
POST /resources/:id/delete
- find a resource by id and remove it from db
- validation
- id is !valid (redirects to /resources)
- id !exists (redirects to /resources)
- delete a resource
- redirect to /resources
GET /student/*
- show the student page
- use student layout
GET /api/students
- return all the students (json)
GET /api/username-unique?username=username
- receives username (string)
- returns an object
{ unique: true}
User model
username: String (required)
password: String (required)
name: String (required)
role: String (enum: student, teacher) (required)
Image model
createdBy: ObjectId<User> (required)
title: String (required)
url: String (required)
category: String (enum: people, calendar, activity) (required)
Event model
name: String (required)
type: String (enum: party, presentation, talk) (required)
date: Date (required)
Resource model
title: String (required)
url: String (required)
category: String (enum: documentation, exercises, events) (required)
Project model
name: String (required)
studentName: String (required)
presentationUrl: String (required)
projectUrl: String (required)
imageUrl: String (required)
Link to your trello board or picture of your physical board
The url to your repository and to your deployed project
The url to your presentation slides