Course Project for COMP 1406Z Fall 2021
This project’s goal is to determine the top x pages found during a crawl related to the user’s search query. The focus was to re-implement the web crawler in python (go check it out for more info on the project!) to have a well-though-out object-oriented design with the addition of a GUI application to display and perform the search. More about the OOP design process can be found in the report included in the project.
This project contains many different classes that each have a distinct function. For more details on each class, please refer to the “Outline of all the classes” section in the report.
To test out the project, you may refer to the test files. Make sure that the test files are in the src directory, except the FruitsXSearchTester-expected-search-results.txt file should be in the same directory as the src.
To run the GUI application, please refer to the “Instructions for running the GUI” section at the start of the report.
Note that this project’s focus was not HTML/web development and is therefore designed to run on specific websites such as
Testing resources provided by Dave McKenney, Instructor at Carleton University.