Java-style logtrace printer for Golang
Do you find it tiring to always print your error on every function?
Using this lib, you can prompt to print your error just in one line, the first time you find the error at instantly print the error stack in a more readable way than the original stacktrace
User can also modify which options on how the error should be printed
Example log with error = "test err"
Error: "testing the complex function" in src.TestTrace
at src.LastTestFunction ( errtrace_test.go:66 )
at src.GoroutineTestingFunction.func1 ( errtrace_test.go:57 )
at src.GoroutineTestingFunction.func1.1 ( errtrace_test.go:53 )
at src.GoroutineTestingFunction ( errtrace_test.go:61 )
at src.TheCoolerTestingFunction ( errtrace_test.go:43 )
at src.AnotherTestingFunction ( errtrace_test.go:38 )
at src.MessageIncludedTestingFunction ( errtrace_test.go:33 ) [Messages] [parameter 1 is: 1234]
at src.OneOfTheFunctionForTesting ( errtrace_test.go:28 )
at src.TestTrace ( errtrace_test.go:23 )
This lib does not actually print the error, only giving users the string which they can print it themselves using their log print lib of choice
// setup the lib
projectName: "poneglyph",
isPrintRelativeFromContentRoot: true,
isPrintFunctionName: true,
isUseSimpleFunctionName: true,
isPrintNewline: true,
isUseTabSeparator: false,
func NotLatestFunction() (Resp, error) {
resp, err := Somefunction()
if err != nil {
return resp, poneglyph.Trace(err)
func LatestFunctionYouWantToTrace() (Resp, error) {
resp, err := NotLatestFunction()
if err != nil {
logErr := poneglyph.GetErrorLogMessage(Trace(err))
return resp, err