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JAndritsch edited this page Dec 5, 2014 · 5 revisions

Using this uploader is pretty straightforward, but requires a little more work than some of those other uploaders that do everything for you out of the box.

Here are the steps required to use BasicS3Uploader:

  1. Get a file from a file input element. This can easily be done via jQuery:

     var file = $('#fileinput')[0].files[0];
     // You could also listen for the 'change' event on the file input and kick
     // things off from there.
     $("#fileinput").on("change", function(element) {
       var file =[0];

    Note that this uploader only supports uploading a single file at a time. If you have need to support multiple uploads simultaneously, just instantiate a new uploader for each file.

     // keep track of all uploaders
     var uploaders = [];
     $("#fileinput").on("change", function(element) {
       var uploader;
       var files =;
       // configure the settings for the uploader per file
       var settings = {};
       for (var file in files) {
         uploader = new bs3u.Uploader(file, settings);
  2. Configure your upload settings and register some callbacks in a separate object

     var settings = {
       bucket: "my-s3-bucket",
       key: "my-awesome-file",
       region: "us-east-1",
       onProgress: function(loaded, total) {
         // generate a progress bar
       onComplete: function(location) {
         // notify that the file can be downloaded from 'location'
  3. Instantiate a BasicS3Uploader, passing it the file and the settings

     var uploader = new bs3u.Uploader(file, settings);
  4. Call "startUpload()" whenever you're ready for the upload to start.

  5. If you need to cancel the upload for some reason, just call "cancelUpload()"


All of these steps are also illustrated in the sample app provided, so check that out for more information. For more information about what configuration options exist, check out the upload configuration page.

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