1.2.4-SNAPSHOT release
- added conversion methods between AngleAxis4f, Quaternion, Matrix3f and Matrix4f
- added transform(vector) method for AngleAxis4f
- changed Matrix3d to use degrees consistently for all rotate methods
- added rotation[XYZ] methods to Matrix3f
- added rotate() methods from Matrix4f to Matrix3f
- added Quaternion.rotateDirToPositiveZ() - this will apply a rotation that maps the given 'dir' to the positive z-axis, and thus acts almost like GLU lookAt and the Matrix4.lookAlong() methods, except that those map to the negative z-axis to comply with OpenGL's coordinate system handedness conventions
- renamed QuaternionD.LookAt to .lookAt
- changed Quaternion.div to post-multiply by the inverse of the right-side quaternion - this is also how XNA is doing quaternion math and it is consistent with mul() and all methods in Quaternion and Matrix classes that apply transformations using post-multiplication, which in turn is what OpenGL/GLU does
- also made JOML pass Findbugs static code analysis with default settings
- JavaDocs