Simple Linear Equations Game
Welcome to the "Simple Linear Equations Mentally" game! This educational game will help you improve your skills in solving linear equations mentally.
How to Play
1.Click the Generate equation button to generate a new linear equation.
2.Solve the equation and enter your answer in the input field.
3.Click the Сheck the answer button to verify your answer.
4.If your answer is correct, you'll see the message YOU WIN!. Otherwise, the correct answer will
be displayed.
Timed Mode
If you want to challenge yourself against the clock, click the Play with Timer button. You'll have 60 seconds to solve as many equations as you can. Each incorrect answer will deduct 1 second from your time, so be careful!
This game is utilizes random equations to provide you with diverse challenges.
Enjoy the game and enhance your skills in solving linear equations mentally!