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Samples of Compute Graphics using Vulkan API for Android


You should use a device or an emulator that supports Vulkan, running Android 7.0 (Nougat), API level 24 or higher.


  • Sample5_5

  • Sample6_6

  • Sample7_5

How to read

  • You can see Releases to get milestone samples.
  • You can see Tags to get every single feature(towards the Releases step by step).
  • You can see Sample.apk in ./apk directory in every sample series.
  • You can see pictures in ./screenshot directory for every release.

There is some code comments like below to point out features and difference in the sample project.

vertexBinding.stride = sizeof(float) * 8;                               // Sample7_4-point+texture+normal

  /// Sample7_4 *************************************************** start
  vertexAttribs[1].binding = 0;
  vertexAttribs[1].location = 1;
  vertexAttribs[1].format = VK_FORMAT_R32G32_SFLOAT;
  vertexAttribs[1].offset = 12;
  /// Sample7_4 ***************************************************** end

Main process

Step Function Description 描述
1 init_vulkan_instance() Create vulkan instance 创建Vulkan实例
2 enumerate_vulkan_phy_devices() Get physical device list 获取物理设备列表
3 create_vulkan_devices() Create logical device 创建逻辑设备
4 create_vulkan_CommandBuffer() Create command buffer 创建命令缓冲
5 init_queue() Get the queue which supports graphics 获取设备中支持图形工作的队列
6 create_vulkan_swapChain() Create swap chain 初始化交换链
7 create_vulkan_DepthBuffer() Create depth buffer 创建深度缓冲
8 create_render_pass() Create render pass 创建渲染通道
9 create_frame_buffer() Create frame buffer 创建帧缓冲
10 createDrawableObject() Create drawable object 创建绘制用的物体
11 initPipeline() Initialize render pipeline 初始化渲染管线
12 createFence() Create fence 创建栅栏
13 initPresentInfo() Initialize present information 初始化呈现信息
14 initMatrix() Initialize transformation, camera and projection matrix 初始化基本变换矩阵、摄像机矩阵和投影矩阵
15 drawObject() Executes the drawing object 执行绘制
16 destroyFence() Destroy fence 销毁栅栏
17 destroyPipeline() Destroy pipeline 销毁管线
18 destroyDrawableObject() Destroy drawable object 销毁绘制用物体
19 destroy_frame_buffer() Destroy frame buffer 销毁帧缓冲
20 destroy_render_pass() Destroy render pass 销毁渲染通道相关
21 destroy_vulkan_DepthBuffer() Destroy depth buffer 销毁深度缓冲相关
22 destroy_vulkan_swapChain() Destroy swap chain 销毁交换链相关
23 destroy_vulkan_CommandBuffer() Destroy command buffer 销毁命令缓冲
24 destroy_vulkan_devices() Destroy logical device 销毁逻辑设备
25 destroy_vulkan_instance() Destroy vulkan instance 销毁Vulkan实例


Sample Description 描述
Sample1_1 First triangle 第一个三角形
Sample2_1 Load SPIR-V shaders 加载SPIR-V格式着色器
Sample2_2 Validate layer 层级调试验证
Sample4_1 Movable triangle 可移动的三角形
Sample4_2 Six-pointed star-orthogonal projection 六角星-正交投影
Sample4_3 Six-pointed star-perspective projection 六角星-透视投影
Sample4_4 Cube-translation transformation 立方体-平移变换
Sample4_5 Cube-rotation transformation 立方体-旋转变换
Sample4_6 Cube-scale transformation 立方体-缩放变换
Sample4_7 Points and lines 点与线段绘制方式
Sample4_8 Triangular strips and sectors 三角条带与扇面绘制方式
Sample4_9 Draw belts by repeated vertex 通过重复顶点绘制条带
Sample4_10 vkCmdDrawIndexed 索引法绘制
Sample4_11 Different fov 设置合理的视角
Sample4_12 Different NEAR cause artifact 设置合理的投影参数
Sample4_13 SetDepthBias 深度偏移
Sample4_14 Back cullMode 卷绕和背面剪裁
Sample4_15 Indirectly draw by vertex 顶点法间接绘制(基于Sample4_4)
Sample4_16 Indirectly draw by index 索引法间接绘制(基于Sample4_10)
Sample5_1 Checkerboard ball 黑白棋盘格的球
Sample5_2 Ambient light 环境光照
Sample5_3 Diffused light 散射光
Sample5_4 Specular light 镜面光
Sample5_5 Ambient + Diffused + Specular 环境光+散射光+镜面光
Sample5_6 Directional light 定向光
Sample5_7 Surface normal vector 立方体面法向量
Sample5_8 Point normal vector 立方体点法向量
Sample5_9 Calculate light per fragment 每片元计算光照
Sample5_10 Calculate light per vertex 每顶点计算光照
Sample6_1 Texture triangle 纹理三角形
Sample6_2 Flexible combination of color channels 色彩通道的灵活组合
Sample6_3 Four ways to stretch texture 四种纹理拉伸方式
Sample6_4 Two ways to sample texture 两种纹理采样方式
Sample6_5 Mipmap texture Mipmap纹理
Sample6_6 Multi-texture & procedural texture 多重纹理与过程纹理
Sample6_7 Compressed texture 压缩纹理
Sample6_8 Point sprites 点精灵
Sample6_9 3D texture 3D纹理
Sample6_10 2D-Array texture 2D数组纹理
Sample6_11 Anisotropy 各项异性过滤
Sample7_1 Load .obj file 加载顶点与面数据的obj文件
Sample7_2 Calculate surface normal 计算面法向量
Sample7_3 Calculate average normal 计算平均法向量
Sample7_4 Load texture coordinates 加载纹理坐标
Sample7_5 Load vertex normals 加载顶点法向量
Sample7_6 Double-sided lighting 双面光照


If you encounter the following error when integrates Vulkan in Android NDK.

Build command failed.
Error while executing process D:\Android\SDK\cmake\3.18.1\bin\ninja.exe with arguments {-C E:\projects\Android\DeeperVulkan\app\.cxx\Debug\5l3u162n\arm64-v8a bn-vulkan-lib}
ninja: Entering directory `E:\projects\Android\DeeperVulkan\app\.cxx\Debug\5l3u162n\arm64-v8a'

ninja: error: 'D:/Android/SDK/ndk/21.4.7075529/sources/third_party/shaderc/libs/c++_static/arm64-v8a/libshaderc.a', needed by '../../../../build/intermediates/cxx/Debug/5l3u162n/obj/arm64-v8a/', missing and no known rule to make it

Under the directory ndk/21.4.7075529/sources/third_party/shaderc run the command:

$ ../../../ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. APP_ABI=all APP_PLATFORM=android-21 APP_STL=c++_static -j8 clean libshaderc_combined

If you encounter the following error when running the command.

ndk/21.4.7075529/build/gmsl/__gmsl:512: *** non-numeric second argument to 'wordlist' function: 'android=24'.  Stop.

Then edit ndk/21.4.7075529/build/gmsl/__gmsl line 512 to:

int_encode = $(__gmsl_tr1)$(wordlist 1,$(words $1),$(__gmsl_input_int))

And try to run the command again.

