Python and Excel processor for hisparc data.
This is my processor that I have written (and am working on) for loading, downloading and analysing HiSPARC data from the public database.
The code currently has the following features:
- A GUI and CLI interface.
- The ability to download data.
- Data summary generator.
- Day night variation analysis.
I am currently working on:
- Rewriting the code to make some parts more efficient.
- Integration of Numpy, and possibly other forms of data analysis modules.
- Summer winter variation analysis.
What I plan to work on:
- Summer winter variation.
- Source-angle reconstrution.
- Other stuff.
Project Layout: This project is based on a module structure. There is a main file ( which handles the GUI and CLI, and calling the modules which are located in /Modules/. There is also other code that I am using as either diagnostic tools, such as and
Happy data analysis!
JasonCubed132 - Project Author and Sole Developer.