The Food Delivery Application is a terminal-based project developed in C that allows users to order food from various restaurants. This application leverages text and CSV files to manage restaurant,customer data, menu items, and user orders, providing a straightforward and user-friendly interface.
To Run the program in the Terminal we should compile by executing gcc master.c login_user.c selection.c dijkstra.c restaurant_login.c cart.c bill.c payment.c mood1.c review.c dij4.c and run the file using ./.myprogram or myprogram.exe
All the Above Files are linked with headers.h
1.Registration and login
Registration includes the registration of the user into the Food Delivering Application with User name and Proper Password.
Login module includes verified and registered user name and password to Login the Food Delivering Application.
2.Selection based on different categories
- Shortest Path
It is based on one of the shortest path Algorithm (Dijkstra’s Algorithm) it uses nodes and edges to find the distance between the places and the restaurant
- Based upon the search of food
It works when the user want’s to select the Food what he wants to eat instead of selecting a restaurant first
- Recommendation of Food
It Recommends the food for the user (i.e. if the user selects a main dish it recommends a side dish or an additional dish for this based on the previous data what people have bought along with the main dish)
- Based on the Mood of the person
Despite a traditional menu based system. This helps when the user selects their current mood and the get their food recommendation
3.Cart and Bill Generation
When the food is selected it is automatically added in the cart and in the Cart the food can be added and it can remove
Once the cart is completed it moves to generation of bill and proceeds for the payment process
The payment process includes two COD,UPI, Credit and Debit Cards(Just printing).
5.Review by user
Upon successful completion of the food delivery process review is taken from the user to update the ratings of the restaurant
- Djikstra's Algorithm Implemented it To Find The Shortest Path Between the Hotel And The Given Address **
- Programming Language: C