This repository contains a C++ library to load models from arXiv:1903.09644.
libGroomRL is a C++ library allowing an easy access in C++ to grooming strategies based on neural network models trained by GroomRL.
libGroomRL is tested and supported on 64-bit systems running Linux.
In order to install proceed with the usual cmake steps:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your install prefix>
make install
We provide the cmake options -DENABLE_WRAPPERONLY=ON/OFF
in order to compile a light wrapper
which only includes a wrapper for the python call evaluating the neural network output.
We recommend the installation of the libGroomRL package using a miniconda3
environment with the configuration specified here.
libGroomRL requires the following packages:
- python3
- numpy
- fastjet
- cffi
- keras
- tensorflow
- json
The compiler flags to include this library in your package can be retreived with:
pkg-config groomrl --cflags
pkg-config groomrl --libs
Sample programs using this library are provided in the examples/ directory.