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Programming for Data Analytics @NUI Galway, 2018/19 archive here
This github site is a resource for Progamming for Data Analytics (CT5102), a module that is part of the M.Sc. Computer Science (Data Analytics). This is an advanced MSc programme that provides graduates of Computer Science and closely related areas with in-depth knowledge and skills in the emerging growth area of Data Analytics. There are twelve topics, and these will be updated as the course progresses. The course structure has main three elements, as shown below.
- Base R (Vectors, Functions, Lists, Matrices and Data Frame)
- Data Science, with the tidyverse packages in R (ggplot2, dplyr, readr, tidyr, lubridate and stringr)
- Advanced R, including closures, object systems (S3, S4 and RC), and building packages
For tips on good programming style, see Hadley Wickham's web resource
For an excellent resource to discover courses and learning materials for learning and teaching R, see rstudio-education/rstats-rd
Datasets used as part of the course can be viewed here
Details on the individual lectures are:
(1) Base R
- Lecture 01 - Vectors