Releases: JimOfLeisure/c3sat
CIA3 Now Reads Gold
I learned how to decode the gold count for each civ, and it is now displayed in the available trades table.
CIA3: Fixed Trade Table visibility for at-war / recently-at-war civs
The logic in the tech trade table needed fixing; when at war and refusing your envoy, the table would still show the civs' techs, and for a few turns after making peace the civ would disappear from the trade table. This is fixed.
Note that at-war+won't-talk civs will not show in the trade table at all. In the future I'd like to have them present but blanked out.
Civ Intelligence Agency III
This release includes a new, second executable. It is intended to be a non-spoiling, non-cheating game assistant. See the readme for more info.
Added GraphQL API
This release adds both command-line and http GraphQL API. It is currently low-level but may be developed further in the future. See the readme page for query examples.
The save game path is now provided with the --path flag, or it can be set in the CIV3SAT_SAV environment variable. This is a change from before where the path was provided as an argument.