I'm a newly trained Full-Stack Software Developer
with experience in theatre, international relations and education. I caught the coding bug creating CRMs in Excel to help my team manage clients and track KPIs while working on refugee mentoring projects for a small charity. The final two years of this part of my career were spent slowly transitioning into more tech based roles - supporting the charity's digital transformation, developing online courses and social media content. After taking a career break to go traveling, I decided it was time to take the plunge and fully throw myself into the tech world. A decision I am thoroughly enjoying!
These repos currently reflect my learning journey on the TechNative Digital Full Stack Bootcamp, most of which are linked together via GitHub pages to form a basic portfolio site. You can read my reflective blog about the course From Stage to Screen and see a collation of my learning projects. Feel free to check out the code bases too to see how far I've come!
If you have any questions about me, what I do or if you'd be interested in working with me, I'd love you to get in touch via LinkedIn!
Thanks for reading and may the code be with you 😉