This Yunohost package is intended to install every simple Django application on Yunohot.
It takes some inspiration from:
- Wifi With Me for YunoHost
Install with:
sudo yunohost app install
The installer will ask you:
- the repository of your application (can be local)
- a user name and a password to create a Django admin
- the name of the Django project
This was tested with:
sudo yunohost app install -f --debug /vagrant/django_app_ynh -a "domain=ynh.local&path=/&admin=admin&repo=/vagrant/tableau-des-permanences&project=mysite&[email protected]&passwd=pouetpouet"
The code in the repository of your application is supposed to contain:
- a file
- a file
This file will be copied toDjangoProjectName/
and then modified (to not modify a versioned file). See the example for ... an example!
- Gunicorn
- tested with sqlite3
- no link with the LDAP or Yunohost users
- if you want a better name to the Yunohost tile you need to tweak
- changeurl
- backup
- restore
- upgrade
Référencement des logs cf.
ynh_webpath_register ynh_add_nginx_config ynh_use_logrotate
ynh_remove_systemd_config ynh_remove_app_dependencies ynh_system_user_delete $app ynh_secure_remove "/var/log/$app/"
UPGRADE TODO: factorisation avec le install, faire un
- git stash # ou pas si on veut un bon gros crash au cas où on a des modifs locales… au moins on sera au courant…
- git pull
- pip -r requirements.txt
- migrate
- collectstatic
- reload service systemctl