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mthielma committed Feb 29, 2024
2 parents b24723c + c642a5a commit f05e7bb
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Showing 5 changed files with 77 additions and 16 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Glob = "c27321d9-0574-5035-807b-f59d2c89b15c"
ImageIO = "82e4d734-157c-48bb-816b-45c225c6df19"
Interpolations = "a98d9a8b-a2ab-59e6-89dd-64a1c18fca59"
JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819"
LightXML = "9c8b4983-aa76-5018-a973-4c85ecc9e179"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
MeshIO = "7269a6da-0436-5bbc-96c2-40638cbb6118"
NearestNeighbors = "b8a86587-4115-5ab1-83bc-aa920d37bbce"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,4 +60,4 @@ GMT = "5752ebe1-31b9-557e-87aa-f909b540aa54"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test","GMT"]
test = ["Test", "GMT"]
42 changes: 40 additions & 2 deletions src/data_import.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
# Author: Marcel Thielmann, 05/2021

export Screenshot_To_GeoData, Screenshot_To_CartData, Screenshot_To_UTMData
using LightXML

export Screenshot_To_GeoData, Screenshot_To_CartData, Screenshot_To_UTMData, GetLonLatDepthMag_QuakeML

# import CSV data using standard library functions
# here we assume that the data is indeed comma separated and that comments are preceded with a "#"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,7 +311,43 @@ function Screenshot_To_UTMData(filename::String, Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_UpperR

# first create a GeoData struct
Data_UTM = Screenshot_To_GeoData(filename, Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_UpperRight; Corner_LowerRight=Corner_LowerRight, Corner_UpperLeft=Corner_UpperLeft, Cartesian=false, UTM=true, UTMzone=UTMzone, isnorth=isnorth, fieldname=fieldname)

return Data_UTM

Data = GetLonLatDepthMag_QuakeML(filename::String)
Extracts longitude, latitude, depth and magnitude from a QuakeML file that has been e.g. downloaded from ISC. The data is then returned in GeoData format.
function GetLonLatDepthMag_QuakeML(filename::String)
# The QuakeML format consists of a tree with quite a lot of branches, so we have to traverse it to quite some extent to get the desired values
# using LightXML: extension???
xdoc = parse_file(filename); # parse the whole file
xroot =root(xdoc);
catalogues = get_elements_by_tagname(xroot,"eventParameters");
catalogue = catalogues[1];
events = get_elements_by_tagname(catalogue,"event"); # now those are all events
num_events = size(events,1);

# allocate, lat,lon,depth,magnitude
lon = zeros(num_events,1);
lat = zeros(num_events,1);
depth = zeros(num_events,1);
mag = zeros(num_events,1);

# now loop over the events and assign the respective values
for ievent = 1:num_events
tmp_event = events[ievent];
origin = get_elements_by_tagname(events[ievent], "origin");
magnitude = get_elements_by_tagname(events[ievent], "magnitude");

# this is a bit dirty, if you find a better/cleaner way, be my guest...
lon[ievent] = parse(Float64,string(collect(child_nodes(collect(child_elements(get_elements_by_tagname(origin[1], "longitude")[1]))[1]))[1]))
lat[ievent] = parse(Float64,string(collect(child_nodes(collect(child_elements(get_elements_by_tagname(origin[1], "latitude")[1]))[1]))[1]))
depth[ievent] = parse(Float64,string(collect(child_nodes(collect(child_elements(get_elements_by_tagname(origin[1], "depth")[1]))[1]))[1]))
mag[ievent] = parse(Float64,string(collect(child_nodes(get_elements_by_tagname(get_elements_by_tagname(magnitude[1],"mag")[1],"value")[1]))[1]));

Data_ISC = GeoData(lon,lat,-1*depth/1e3,(Magnitude=mag,Depth=-1*depth/1e3*km));
return Data_ISC
31 changes: 18 additions & 13 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1173,6 +1173,23 @@ function InterpolateDataFields2D(Original::CartData, New::CartData; Rotate=0.0,
return CartData(New.x.val,New.y.val,Znew, fields_new)

Surf_interp = InterpolateDataFields2D(V::GeoData, x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange; Lat::Number, Lon::Number)
Interpolates a 3D data set `V` with a projection point `proj=(Lat, Lon)` on a plane defined by `x` and `y`, where `x` and `y` are uniformly spaced.
Returns the 2D array `Surf_interp`.
function InterpolateDataFields2D(V::GeoData, x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange; Lat=49.9929, Lon=8.2473)
# Default: Lat=49.9929, Lon=8.2473 => Mainz (center of universe)
proj = ProjectionPoint(; Lat = Lat, Lon = Lon)
return InterpolateDataFields2D(V::GeoData, proj, x, y)

function InterpolateDataFields2D(LonLat::GeoData, proj::ProjectionPoint, x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange)
cart_grid = CartData(XYZGrid(x, y, 0))
tproj = ProjectCartData(cart_grid, LonLat, proj)
return tproj.z.val[:, :, 1]

InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(x_vec, y_vec, depth, fields_new, X, Y)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1326,19 +1343,7 @@ function InterpolateDataOnSurface(V::GeoData, Surf::GeoData)

return Surf_interp

Surf_interp = InterpolateTopographyOnPlane(V::GeoData, proj::ProjectionPoint, x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange)
Interpolates a 3D data set `V` with a projection point `proj` on a plane defined by `x` and `y`, where are uniformly spaced.
Returns the 2D array `Surf_interp`.
function InterpolateTopographyOnPlane(V::GeoData, proj::ProjectionPoint, x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange)
cart_grid = CartData(XYZGrid(x, y, 0))
tproj = ProjectCartData(cart_grid, V, proj)
return tproj.z.val[:, :, 1]

# Extracts a sub-data set using indices
function ExtractDataSets(V::AbstractGeneralGrid, iLon, iLat, iDepth)

Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions test/test_data_import.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,3 +78,10 @@ data_Image = Screenshot_To_UTMData(filename,Corner_LowerLeft, Corner_
@test data_Image.EW.val[22] 0.42424242424242425
@test data_Image.NS.val[22] 48.666666666666664
@test Value(data_Image.depth[22]) -15.0m

# test the import of xml files from ISC
# the search criteria are set in a way that only one event should be found
Data_ISC = GetLonLatDepthMag_QuakeML("ISCTest.xml");
@test Value(Data_ISC.depth[1])==-13.0km
@test Data_ISC.fields.Magnitude[1]==5.8
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions test/test_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ Vx1,Vy1,Vz1 = Data1*3,Data1*4,Data1*5
Data_set2D = GeoData(Lon,Lat,Depth,(Depthdata=Data1,LonData1=Lon, Velocity=(Vx1,Vy1,Vz1)))
@test_throws ErrorException CrossSection(Data_set2D, Depth_level=-10)

# Test interpolation of depth to a given cartesian XY-plane
x = 11:19
y = 31:39
plane1 = InterpolateDataFields2D(Data_set2D, x, y)
proj = ProjectionPoint()
plane2 = InterpolateDataFields2D(Data_set2D, proj, x, y)

@test plane1 == plane2
@test all(==(-50e0), plane1)

# Create 3D volume with some fake data
Lon,Lat,Depth = LonLatDepthGrid(10:20,30:40,(-300:25:0)km);
Data = Depth*2; # some data
Expand Down

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