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adds functions to extract subsection of Xsection
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boriskaus committed Dec 17, 2023
1 parent c6888e2 commit f70a216
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Showing 2 changed files with 205 additions and 3 deletions.
185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -522,6 +522,9 @@ function CrossSection(DataSet::AbstractGeneralGrid; dims=(100,100), Interpolate=
DataProfile = CrossSectionSurface(DataSet; dims, Depth_level, Lat_level, Lon_level, Start, End)
elseif DataSetType==3 # volume
DataProfile = CrossSectionVolume(DataSet; dims, Interpolate, Depth_level, Lat_level, Lon_level, Start, End, Depth_extent)

# add field that has coordinates along the profile
DataProfile = AddField(DataProfile,"FlatCrossSection", FlattenCrossSection(DataProfile))

return DataProfile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -679,6 +682,183 @@ function ExtractSubvolume(V::GeoData; Interpolate=false, Lon_level=nothing, Lat_

ExtractSubvolume(V::CartData; Interpolate=false, X_level=nothing, Y_level=nothing, Z_level=nothing, dims=(50,50,50))
Extract or "cuts-out" a piece of a 2D or 3D GeoData set, defined by `Lon`, `Lat` and `Depth` coordinates.
This is useful if you are only interested in a part of a much bigger larger data set.
- `Lon_level`,`Lat_level` and `Depth_level` should be tuples that indicate `(minimum_value, maximum_value)` along the respective direction. If not specified we use the full range.
- By default, `Interpolate=false` and we find the closest indices within the data set (so your new data set will not go exactly from minimum to maximum).
- Alternatively, if `Interpolate=true` we interpolate the data onto a new grid that has dimensions `dims`. This can be useful to compare data sets that are originally given in different resolutions.
# 3D Example with no interpolation:
julia> Lon,Lat,Depth = LonLatDepthGrid(10:20,30:40,(-300:25:0)km);
julia> Data = Depth*2; # some data
julia> Vx,Vy,Vz = ustrip(Data*3),ustrip(Data*4),ustrip(Data*5);
julia> Data_set3D = GeoData(Lon,Lat,Depth,(Depthdata=Data,LonData=Lon, Velocity=(Vx,Vy,Vz)))
size : (11, 11, 13)
lon ϵ [ 10.0 : 20.0]
lat ϵ [ 30.0 : 40.0]
depth ϵ [ -300.0 km : 0.0 km]
fields: (:Depthdata, :LonData, :Velocity)
julia> Data_extracted = ExtractSubvolume(Data_set3D,Lon_level=(10,12),Lat_level=(35,40))
size : (3, 6, 13)
lon ϵ [ 10.0 : 12.0]
lat ϵ [ 35.0 : 40.0]
depth ϵ [ -300.0 km : 0.0 km]
fields: (:Depthdata, :LonData, :Velocity)
By default it extracts the data points closest to the area defined by Lon_level/Lat_level/Depth_level.
# 2D Example along a cross-section through 3D data:
julia> X,Y,Z = XYZGrid(10:20,30:40,-300:25:0);
julia> Data = Z.*2
julia> Data_Int = Int64.(Data)
julia> DataSet_Cart = CartData(X,Y,Z,(Data=Data,Data_Int=Data_Int, Velocity=(X,Y,Z)))
julia> Data_cross = CrossSection(DataSet_Cart, Start=(11.0,35), End=(19, 39.0))
size : (100, 100, 1)
x ϵ [ 11.0 : 19.0]
y ϵ [ 35.0 : 39.0]
z ϵ [ -300.0 : 0.0]
fields : (:Data, :Data_Int, :Velocity, :FlatCrossSection)
attributes: ["note"]
julia> Data_extracted = ExtractSubvolume(Data_cross, X_level=(1,7), Z_level=(-200,-100))
size : (50, 50, 1)
x ϵ [ 11.894427190999917 : 17.260990336999413]
y ϵ [ 35.44721359549995 : 38.130495168499706]
z ϵ [ -200.0 : -100.0]
fields : (:FlatCrossSection, :Data, :Data_Int, :Velocity)
attributes: ["note"]
julia> typeof(Data_extracted.fields.Data_Int)
Array{Int64, 3}
function ExtractSubvolume(V::CartData;

if isnothing(X_level)
X_level = (minimum(V.x.val), maximum(V.x.val))
if isnothing(Y_level)
Y_level = (minimum(V.y.val), maximum(V.y.val))
if isnothing(Z_level)
Z_level = (minimum(V.z.val), maximum(V.z.val))

if Interpolate==true && size(V.x.val)[3]>1
X,Y,Z = LonLatDepthGrid( LinRange(X_level[1], X_level[2], dims[1]),
LinRange(Y_level[1], Y_level[2], dims[2]),
LinRange(Z_level[1], Z_level[2], dims[3]) );

Data_extract = InterpolateDataFields(V, X, Y, Z)

elseif size(V.x.val)[3]==1
# we are dealing with a vertical cross-section through a 3D dataset computed with CrossSection(V,Start=.., End=...)

# we need to interpolate the data onto a new grid given by X_level and Z_level
X_level_cross = X_level;

interpol_x = linear_interpolation(Xcross[:,1,1], V.x.val[:,1,1],extrapolation_bc = NaN); # create interpolation object
interpol_y = linear_interpolation(Xcross[:,1,1], V.y.val[:,1,1],extrapolation_bc = NaN); # create interpolation object

X_level = interpol_x.(X_level_cross)
Y_level = interpol_y.(X_level_cross)
x = LinRange(X_level_cross[1], X_level_cross[2], dims_cross[1])
z = LinRange(Z_level[1], Z_level[2], dims_cross[2])

X,Y,Z = zeros(dims[1],dims[2],1), zeros(dims[1],dims[2],1), zeros(dims[1],dims[2],1)
X_cross = zero(X)
for (i,x_val) in enumerate(x), (j,z_val) in enumerate(z)
X[i,j,1] = interpol_x(x_val)
Y[i,j,1] = interpol_y(x_val)
Z[i,j,1] = z_val
X_cross[i,j,1] = x_val

Data_extract = InterpolateDataFields_CrossSection(V, X, Y, Z, X_cross);

# Don't interpolate
i_s, i_e = argmin(abs.(V.x.val[:,1,1] .- X_level[1])), argmin(abs.(V.x.val[:,1,1] .- X_level[2]))
iLon = i_s:i_e;

i_s, i_e = argmin(abs.(V.y.val[1,:,1] .- Y_level[1])), argmin(abs.(V.y.val[1,:,1] .- Y_level[2]))
iLat = i_s:i_e;

i_s, i_e = argmin(abs.(V.z.val[1,1,:] .- ustrip(Z_level[1]))), argmin(abs.(V.z.val[1,1,:] .- ustrip(Z_level[2])))
step = 1;
if i_e<i_s
iDepth = i_s:step:i_e;
Data_extract = ExtractDataSets(V, iLon, iLat, iDepth);

return Data_extract

InterpolateDataFields_CrossSection(V::CartData, X,Y,Z,Xcross)
Interpolates data fields along a cross-section defined by `Xcross` and `Z`
function InterpolateDataFields_CrossSection(V::CartData, X,Y,Z, X_cross)

Data_extract = CartData(X,Y,Z, (FlatCrossSection=X_cross,))

fields_new = V.fields;
field_names = keys(fields_new);
for i = 1:length(V.fields)
if typeof(V.fields[i]) <: Tuple
# vector or anything that contains more than 1 field
data_tuple = fields_new[i] # we have a tuple (likely a vector field), so we have to loop
data_array = zeros(size(Data_extract.x)...,length(data_tuple)); # create a 3D array that holds the 2D interpolated values
unit_array = zeros(size(data_array));

for j=1:length(data_tuple)
interpol = linear_interpolation((V.fields.FlatCrossSection[:,1,1], V.z.val[1,:,1]), ustrip.(data_tuple[j][:,:,1]),extrapolation_bc = NaN); # create interpolation object
data_array[:,:,:,j] = interpol.(X_cross, Z);
data_new = tuple([data_array[:,:,:,c] for c in 1:size(data_array,4)]...) # transform 3D matrix to tuple

# scalar field
interpol = linear_interpolation((V.fields.FlatCrossSection[:,1,1], V.z.val[1,:,1]), V.fields[i][:,:,1], extrapolation_bc = NaN); # create interpolation object
data_new = interpol.(X_cross, Z); # interpolate data field

if isa( V.fields[i][1], Int64)
data_new = round.(Int64,data_new)
Data_extract = AddField(Data_extract,String(field_names[i]),data_new)

return Data_extract


function CheckBounds(Data::GeoUnit, Data_Cross)

min_Data, max_Data = NumValue(minimum(Data.val)), NumValue(maximum(Data.val));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -789,6 +969,9 @@ function InterpolateDataFields(V::AbstractGeneralGrid, Lon, Lat, Depth)
interpol = linear_interpolation((Lon_vec, Lat_vec, Depth_vec), V.fields[i], extrapolation_bc = NaN); # create interpolation object
data_new = interpol.(Lon, Lat, ustrip.(Depth)); # interpolate data field
if isa(V.fields[i][1],Int64)
data_new = round.(Int64,data_new)

# replace the one
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -934,6 +1117,8 @@ function InterpolateDataFields2D(V::GeoData, Lon, Lat)
return depth_new, fields_new

InterpolateDataFields2D(V::UTMData, EW, NS)
Expand Down
23 changes: 20 additions & 3 deletions test/test_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,13 +81,14 @@ test_cross = CrossSection(Data_setCart3D, Lon_level=15, dims=(50,100), In
# Create 3D volume with some fake data
Grid = CreateCartGrid(size=(100,100,100), x=(0.0km, 99.9km), y=(-10.0km, 20.0km), z=(-40km,4km));
X,Y,Z = XYZGrid(Grid.coord1D...);
DataSet = CartData(X,Y,Z,(Depthdata=Z,))
DataSet_Cart = CartData(X,Y,Z,(Depthdata=Z,))

test_cross = CrossSection(DataSet, dims=(100,100), Interpolate=true, Start=(ustrip(Grid.min[1]),ustrip(Grid.max[2])), End=(ustrip(Grid.max[1]), ustrip(Grid.min[2])))
test_cross_cart = CrossSection(DataSet_Cart, dims=(100,100), Interpolate=true, Start=(ustrip(Grid.min[1]),ustrip(Grid.max[2])), End=(ustrip(Grid.max[1]), ustrip(Grid.min[2])))

flatten_cross = FlattenCrossSection(test_cross)
flatten_cross = FlattenCrossSection(test_cross_cart)

@test flatten_cross[2][30]==1.0536089537226578
@test test_cross_cart.fields.FlatCrossSection[2][30] == flatten_cross[2][30] # should be added by default

# Flatten 3D CrossSection with GeoData
Lon,Lat,Depth = LonLatDepthGrid(10:20,30:40,(-300:25:0)km);
Expand All @@ -106,17 +107,33 @@ Data_sub_Interp = ExtractSubvolume(Data_set3D,Lon_level=(10,15), Lat_level=(30,3
@test Data_sub_Interp.fields[1][11]==-600km
@test size(,21,32)

Data_sub_Interp_Cart = ExtractSubvolume(DataSet_Cart,X_level=(10,15), Y_level=(10,12), Interpolate=true, dims=(51,21,32))
@test Data_sub_Interp_Cart.fields[1][11]==-40km
@test size(Data_sub_Interp_Cart.x)==(51,21,32)

Data_cross_Interp_Cart = ExtractSubvolume(test_cross_cart,X_level=(10,50), Z_level=(-20,-5), dims=(51,61))
@test Data_cross_Interp_Cart.fields[1][11]==18.0
@test size(Data_cross_Interp_Cart.x)==(51,61,1)

# no interpolation
Data_sub_NoInterp = ExtractSubvolume(Data_set3D,Lon_level=(10,15), Lat_level=(30,32), Interpolate=false, dims=(51,21,32))
@test Data_sub_NoInterp.fields[1][11]==-600km
@test size(,3,13)

Data_sub_Interp_Cart = ExtractSubvolume(DataSet_Cart,X_level=(10,15), Y_level=(10,12), Interpolate=false, dims=(51,21,32))
@test Data_sub_Interp_Cart.fields[1][5]==-40km
@test size(Data_sub_Interp_Cart.x)==(6,8,100)

# Extract subset of cross-section
test_cross = CrossSection(Data_set3D, Lat_level=35, dims=(50,100), Interpolate=true)
Data_sub_cross = ExtractSubvolume(test_cross, Depth_level=(-100km,0km), Interpolate=false)
@test Data_sub_cross.fields[1][11]==-200.00000000000003km
@test size(,1,34)

test_cross_cart = CrossSection(DataSet_Cart, Start=(0.0,-9.0), End=(90.0, 19.0)) # Cartesian cross-section

# compute the mean velocity per depth in a 3D dataset and subtract the mean from the given velocities
Data_pert = SubtractHorizontalMean(ustrip(Data)) # 3D, no units
@test Data_pert[10] == 0.0
Expand Down

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