WebIO v0.8.16
Closed issues:
- Not Compatible with JupyterLab 2.0.0 (#397)
- WebIO not detected (Julia) (#423)
- @get! deprecation warning (#426)
- Add an examples on using an external CSS file with WebIO.jl (#436)
- how to trouble shoot the problem (#437)
- JupyterLab 3 compatibility (#442)
- install_jupyter_labextension should be more clear about the commands it is running (#444)
- WebIO not detected (#446)
- show(::IO, ::MIME"text/html", ::Node) is broken in Jupyterlab (#448)
- Observables 0.4 (#455)
- WebIO Not Detected - Jupyterlab Extensions - Nodejs 12 (#459)
Merged pull requests:
- Update not-detected.md to include Jupyter Hub troubleshooting info (#433) (@ilanpillemer)
- Fix minor typos/syntax issues in gettingstarted.md (#447) (@jlumpe)
- [email protected] compat (#456) (@pfitzseb)
- JupyterLab 3 compatibility (#457) (@travigd)
- Upgrade dependencies, fix some things. (#465) (@travigd)
- Add GH action to run tests (#466) (@travigd)