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This is a first attempt at migrating from ros1 to ros2, to provide a ros2 package to get PointCloud message from leddar sensors. It has not been trough complete and extensive testing procedure.

Tested hardware and software: This package has been tested with a Leddar Pixell with ros2/eloquent (installed from debian) on Ubuntu 18.04 with python 3.6.9 version.


The only ros node that publishes PointCloud2 messages is written in python and uses rclpy from ros and leddarpy from LeddarSDK

You need to first to build and install LeddarSDK leddar python module from the documentation of the LeddarSDK here :

Build the node

The easiest would be to install ros2 from via debian package (link provided for ros2/eloquent on Ubuntu 18.04 (the tested setup)). In short:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install curl gnupg2 lsb-release
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros2-latest.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ros-eloquent-desktop

Once installed, you may create a workspace as described in ROS documentation.

Do not forget to source your ros2 environment to have access to ros2 command-line tools, as an example for eloquent:source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash

Then, you can build the package using colcon: colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select leddar_ros2

You may source your setup.bash file, to use the newly build package : . install/setup.bash

Finally, you should be ready to use leddar_ros2 package.

Launch leddar_sensor

To run the leddar_sensor node which publishes PointCloud2 messages from the sensor you may simply use the ros2 run command as in the following example:

  • To run the node: ros2 run leddar_ros2 leddar_sensor

  • To visualize the data in rviz2: ros2 run rviz2 rviz2

    • Once rviz is open click on the add button -> Create vizualization -> By topic and select /scan_cloud or load the leddar_ros2/config/leddar_rviz.rviz configuration file.

Node: The default value for the arguments are configured for a pixell (Ethernet) sensor. The leddar_sensor node should allow connection to all sensor supported within LeddarSDK. To do so it uses the same parameters/arguments as the connect method of the Device class of leddarpy module here.

You may launch leddar_sensor node with parameters depending on the sensor that you have with the following command:

  • For example, with a pixell sensor :ros2 run leddar_ros2 leddar_sensor --ros-args -p param1:= -p device_type:=Ethernet
  • Or an M16 sensor with Usb communicationros2 run leddar_ros2 leddar_sensor --ros-args -p param1:=AL26026 -p device_type:=Usb
  • See below a more detailed description of the parameters

Description of leddar_sensor parameters:

param1: parameter of type (string)

  • Its value would depend on the device_type:
    • For [Serial] -> serial port com
    • For [USB] -> serial number
    • For [SPI-FTDI] -> FTDI cable ID (use get_devices("SpiFTDI"))
    • For [Ethernet] -> IP address
  • device_type: parameter of type (string)
    • Serial, SpiFTDI, EthernetorUsb
  • param3: parameter of type (optional, int)
    • Its value would depend on the device_type
      • For [Serial] -> Modbus address (default 1)
      • For [Ethernet] -> port (default 48630)
  • param4: parameter of type (optional, int)
    • Its value would depend on the device_type
      • For [Serial] -> baudrate (default 115200)
      • For [Ethernet] -> Communication timeout


ros2 package to get PointCloud message from leddar sensors







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