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Find in signature backed by a Hashtbl
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Swap the implementation of `Find.context_of_sig` for one that first
index the entire signature using a Hashtbl.

The initialisation is cached with hopefully a large rate of cache hit.
This speeds up significantly Find functions on signatures, which are
performing poorly on some modules.

This also removes the large amount of code duplication needed to write
the find functions.
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Julow committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent 0300e8f commit 67c1212
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Showing 2 changed files with 133 additions and 179 deletions.
310 changes: 131 additions & 179 deletions src/xref2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
open Odoc_model.Names
open Component
module StringTbl = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type t = string
let equal : string -> string -> bool = ( = )
let hash : string -> int = Hashtbl.hash

type module_ = [ `FModule of ModuleName.t * Module.t Delayed.t ]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,42 +60,123 @@ type method_ = [ `FMethod of MethodName.t * Method.t ]

type any_in_class_sig = [ instance_variable | method_ ]

type sig_ctx = Signature.t
type removed_type =
[ `FType_removed of TypeName.t * TypeExpr.t * TypeDecl.Equation.t ]

type careful_module = [ module_ | `FModule_removed of Cpath.Resolved.module_ ]

type careful_module_type =
[ module_type | `FModuleType_removed of ModuleType.expr ]

type careful_type = [ type_ | removed_type ]

type careful_datatype = [ datatype | removed_type ]

type careful_class = [ class_ | removed_type ]

type careful_any_in_sig =
[ any_in_sig | careful_module | careful_module_type | removed_type ]

module N = Ident.Name

type sig_ctx = careful_any_in_sig list StringTbl.t
type type_ctx = TypeDecl.t
type typext_ctx = Extension.t
type class_sig_ctx = ClassSignature.t

let context_of_sig sg = sg
(** Add a binding to a ['a list StringTbl.t]. If the binding already exists in
the table, the new value is appended to the corresponding list instead. *)
let tbl_add_multi tbl k v =
try StringTbl.replace tbl k (v :: StringTbl.find tbl k)
with Not_found -> StringTbl.add tbl k [ v ]

let items_in_type (typ : TypeDecl.t) =
let variant_items cons =
(, `FConstructor cons)
let record_items field = (, `FField field) in
match typ.representation with
| Some (Variant cons) -> variant_items cons
| Some (Record fields) -> record_items fields
| Some Extensible | None -> []

let context_of_sig sg =
let tbl : sig_ctx = StringTbl.create 32 in
let add name item = tbl_add_multi tbl name (item :> careful_any_in_sig) in
let rec add_sig_item = function
| Signature.Include i -> List.iter add_sig_item i.Include.expansion_.items
| Signature.Module (id, _, m) ->
let n = N.typed_module id in
add (ModuleName.to_string n) (`FModule (n, m))
| ModuleSubstitution (id, ms) -> add (N.module_ id) (`FModule_subst ms)
| ModuleType (id, mt) ->
let n = N.typed_module_type id in
add (ModuleTypeName.to_string n) (`FModuleType (n, mt))
| Type (id, _, t) ->
let t = Delayed.get t in
let n = N.type' id in
add (TypeName.to_string n) (`FType (n, t));
(fun (name, item) -> add name (`In_type (n, t, item)))
(items_in_type t)
| TypeSubstitution (id, ts) -> add (N.type_ id) (`FType_subst ts)
| Exception (id, exc) ->
let n = N.typed_exception id in
add (ExceptionName.to_string n) (`FExn (n, exc))
| Value (id, v) ->
let n = N.typed_value id in
add (ValueName.to_string n) (`FValue (n, v))
| Class (id, _, c) ->
let n = N.class' id in
add (ClassName.to_string n) (`FClass (n, c))
| ClassType (id, _, ct) ->
let n = N.class_type' id in
add (ClassTypeName.to_string n) (`FClassType (n, ct))
| TypExt typext ->
(fun (c : Extension.Constructor.t) -> add (`FExt (typext, c)))
| Comment (`Docs d) ->
(fun elt ->
match elt.Odoc_model.Location_.value with
| `Heading lbl ->
add (Ident.Name.label lbl.Label.label) (`FLabel lbl)
| _ -> ())
| ModuleTypeSubstitution _ | Open _ | Comment `Stop -> ()
let add_removed_item = function
| Signature.RModule (id, p) -> add (N.module_ id) (`FModule_removed p)
| RType (id, p, eq) ->
let n = N.type' id in
add (TypeName.to_string n) (`FType_removed (n, p, eq))
| RModuleType (id, p) -> add (N.module_type id) (`FModuleType_removed p)
(* Removed items are added first, so they get looked up last. Ensures that a
non-removed module is looked up before a removed module. *)
List.iter add_removed_item sg.Signature.removed;
List.iter add_sig_item sg.Signature.items;

let context_of_type typ = typ
let context_of_typext ext = ext
let context_of_class_sig csig = csig

module N = Ident.Name

let rec find_map f = function
| hd :: tl -> ( match f hd with Some _ as x -> x | None -> find_map f tl)
| [] -> None

let find_in_sig sg f =
let rec inner f = function
| Signature.Include i :: tl -> (
match inner f i.Include.expansion_.items with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> inner f tl)
| hd :: tl -> ( match f hd with Some _ as x -> x | None -> inner f tl)
| [] -> None
inner f sg.Signature.items

let filter_in_sig sg f =
let rec inner f = function
| Signature.Include i :: tl ->
inner f i.Include.expansion_.items @ inner f tl
| hd :: tl -> (
match f hd with Some x -> x :: inner f tl | None -> inner f tl)
| [] -> []
inner f sg.Signature.items
let rec filter_map f = function
| hd :: tl -> (
match f hd with Some x -> x :: filter_map f tl | None -> filter_map f tl)
| [] -> []

let find_in_sig sg name f =
try find_map f (StringTbl.find sg name) with Not_found -> None

let filter_in_sig sg name f =
try filter_map f (StringTbl.find sg name) with Not_found -> []

(** Returns the last element of a list. Used to implement [_unambiguous]
functions. *)
Expand All @@ -100,92 +186,33 @@ let rec disambiguate = function
| _ :: tl -> disambiguate tl

let module_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Module (id, _, m) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule (N.typed_module id, m))
| _ -> None)

let module_type_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.ModuleType (id, mt) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType (N.typed_module_type id, mt))
| _ -> None)
find_in_sig sg name (function #module_ as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let type_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Type (id, _, m) when N.type_ id = name ->
Some (`FType (N.type' id, Delayed.get m))
| Class (id, _, c) when N.class_ id = name ->
Some (`FClass (N.class' id, c))
| ClassType (id, _, c) when N.class_type id = name ->
Some (`FClassType (N.class_type' id, c))
| _ -> None)
find_in_sig sg name (function #type_ as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let datatype_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Type (id, _, m) when N.type_ id = name ->
Some (`FType (N.type' id, Delayed.get m))
| _ -> None)

type removed_type =
[ `FType_removed of TypeName.t * TypeExpr.t * TypeDecl.Equation.t ]

type careful_module = [ module_ | `FModule_removed of Cpath.Resolved.module_ ]

type careful_module_type =
[ module_type | `FModuleType_removed of ModuleType.expr ]

type careful_type = [ type_ | removed_type ]

type careful_datatype = [ datatype | removed_type ]

type careful_class = [ class_ | removed_type ]
find_in_sig sg name (function #datatype as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let careful_module_in_sig sg name =
let removed_module = function
| Signature.RModule (id, p) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule_removed p)
| _ -> None
match module_in_sig sg name with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> find_map removed_module sg.Signature.removed
find_in_sig sg name (function #careful_module as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let careful_module_type_in_sig sg name =
let removed_module_type = function
| Signature.RModuleType (id, p) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType_removed p)
| _ -> None
match module_type_in_sig sg name with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> find_map removed_module_type sg.Signature.removed
find_in_sig sg name (function
| #careful_module_type as x -> Some x
| _ -> None)

let removed_type_in_sig sg name =
let removed_type = function
| Signature.RType (id, p, eq) when N.type_ id = name ->
Some (`FType_removed (N.type' id, p, eq))
| _ -> None
find_map removed_type sg.Signature.removed
find_in_sig sg name (function #removed_type as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let careful_type_in_sig sg name =
match type_in_sig sg name with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> removed_type_in_sig sg name
find_in_sig sg name (function #careful_type as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let careful_datatype_in_sig sg name =
match datatype_in_sig sg name with
| Some _ as x -> x
| None -> removed_type_in_sig sg name
find_in_sig sg name (function #careful_datatype as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let class_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Class (id, _, c) when N.class_ id = name ->
Some (`FClass (N.class' id, c))
| Signature.ClassType (id, _, c) when N.class_type id = name ->
Some (`FClassType (N.class_type' id, c))
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #class_ as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let class_in_sig_unambiguous sg name = disambiguate (class_in_sig sg name)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,110 +262,35 @@ let any_in_typext (typext : Extension.t) name =
inner typext.constructors

let any_in_comment d name =
let rec inner xs =
match xs with
| elt :: rest -> (
match elt.Odoc_model.Location_.value with
| `Heading lbl when Ident.Name.label lbl.Label.label = name ->
Some (`FLabel lbl)
| _ -> inner rest)
| [] -> None
inner d

let any_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Module (id, _, m) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule (N.typed_module id, m))
| ModuleSubstitution (id, ms) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule_subst ms)
| ModuleType (id, mt) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType (N.typed_module_type id, mt))
| Type (id, _, t) when N.type_ id = name ->
Some (`FType (N.type' id, Delayed.get t))
| TypeSubstitution (id, ts) when N.type_ id = name -> Some (`FType_subst ts)
| Exception (id, exc) when N.exception_ id = name ->
Some (`FExn (N.typed_exception id, exc))
| Value (id, v) when N.value id = name ->
Some (`FValue (N.typed_value id, v))
| Class (id, _, c) when N.class_ id = name ->
Some (`FClass (N.class' id, c))
| ClassType (id, _, ct) when N.class_type id = name ->
Some (`FClassType (N.class_type' id, ct))
| Type (id, _, t) -> (
let typ = Delayed.get t in
match any_in_type typ name with
| Some r -> Some (`In_type (N.type' id, typ, r))
| None -> None)
| TypExt typext -> any_in_typext typext name
| Comment (`Docs d) -> any_in_comment d name
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #any_in_sig as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let signature_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Module (id, _, m) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule (N.typed_module id, m))
| ModuleType (id, mt) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType (N.typed_module_type id, mt))
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #signature as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let module_type_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.ModuleType (id, m) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType (N.typed_module_type id, m))
| _ -> None)
find_in_sig sg name (function #module_type as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let value_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Value (id, m) when N.value id = name ->
Some (`FValue (N.typed_value id, m))
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #value as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let value_in_sig_unambiguous sg name = disambiguate (value_in_sig sg name)

let label_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Comment (`Docs d) -> any_in_comment d name
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #label as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let exception_in_sig sg name =
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Exception (id, e) when N.exception_ id = name ->
Some (`FExn (N.typed_exception id, e))
| _ -> None)
find_in_sig sg name (function #exception_ as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let extension_in_sig sg name =
let rec inner t = function
| ec :: _ when = name -> Some (`FExt (t, ec))
| _ :: tl -> inner t tl
| [] -> None
find_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.TypExt t -> inner t t.Extension.constructors
| _ -> None)
find_in_sig sg name (function #extension as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let label_parent_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Module (id, _, m) when N.module_ id = name ->
Some (`FModule (N.typed_module id, m))
| ModuleType (id, mt) when N.module_type id = name ->
Some (`FModuleType (N.typed_module_type id, mt))
| Type (id, _, t) when N.type_ id = name ->
Some (`FType (N.type' id, Component.Delayed.get t))
| Class (id, _, c) when N.class_ id = name ->
Some (`FClass (N.class' id, c))
| ClassType (id, _, c) when N.class_type id = name ->
Some (`FClassType (N.class_type' id, c))
| _ -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function #label_parent as x -> Some x | _ -> None)

let any_in_type_in_sig sg name =
filter_in_sig sg (function
| Signature.Type (id, _, t) -> (
let t = Delayed.get t in
match any_in_type t name with
| Some x -> Some (`In_type (N.type' id, t, x))
| None -> None)
filter_in_sig sg name (function
| #any_in_type_in_sig as x -> Some x
| _ -> None)

let filter_in_class_signature cs f =
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/xref2/labels/ambiguous_label.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Labels don't follow OCaml's scoping rules:
File "", line 3, character 4
File "", line 18, character 4
File "", line 9, character 4
File "", line 1, characters 4-55:
Warning: Reference to 'example' is ambiguous. Please specify its kind: section-example, section-example, section-example.

Contains some ambiguous labels:

Expand Down

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