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Resolve relative references to pages
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Julow committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent e719e9b commit bb51516
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Showing 6 changed files with 117 additions and 49 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion src/odoc/bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -700,8 +700,16 @@ end = struct
(if is_page then current_package_of_page ~current_package page_roots output
else validate_current_package page_roots current_package)
>>= fun current_package ->
let current_dir = Fs.File.dirname output in
let roots =
Some { Resolver.page_roots; lib_roots; current_lib; current_package }
let resolver =
Resolver.create ~important_digests:false ~directories ~open_modules ~roots
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/odoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ module File = struct
| "" :: rest -> of_segs_tl (Fpath.v "/") rest
| first :: rest -> of_segs_tl (Fpath.v first) rest

let append_segs path segs = of_segs_tl path segs

module Table = Hashtbl.Make (struct
type nonrec t = t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ module Directory = struct
invalid_arg "Odoc.Fs.Directory.create: not a directory";

let contains ~parentdir f = Fpath.is_rooted ~root:parentdir f

let mkdir_p dir =
let mkdir d =
try Unix.mkdir (Fpath.to_string d) 0o755 with
Expand All @@ -157,6 +161,8 @@ module Directory = struct
| Result.Error (`Msg e) -> invalid_arg ("Odoc.Fs.Directory.of_string: " ^ e)
| Result.Ok p -> Fpath.to_dir_path p

let of_file f = Fpath.to_dir_path f

let fold_files_rec ?(ext = "") f acc d =
let fold_non_dirs ext f acc files =
let is_dir d = try Sys.is_directory d with Sys_error _ -> false in
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/odoc/fs.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ module Directory : sig
val reach_from : dir:t -> string -> t
(** @raises Invalid_argument if [parent/name] exists but is not a directory. *)

val contains : parentdir:t -> file -> bool

val mkdir_p : t -> unit

val of_file : file -> t

val of_string : string -> t

val to_string : t -> string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,5 +97,8 @@ module File : sig
(** [of_segs segs] Returns an absolute path if [segs] starts with an empty
segment. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [segs] is empty. *)

val append_segs : t -> string list -> t
(** Append a list of segments to a path. Do not raise. *)

module Table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
105 changes: 80 additions & 25 deletions src/odoc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,32 @@ end = struct
Hashtbl.find_all t name

module Hierarchy : sig
(** Represent a file hierarchy and allow file path manipulations that do not
escape it. *)

type t

type error = [ `Escape_hierarchy ]

val make : current_package:Fs.Directory.t -> current_dir:Fs.Directory.t -> t

val resolve_relative : t -> Fs.File.t -> (Fs.File.t, error) result
(** [resolve_relative h relpath] resolve [relpath] relatively to the current
directory, making sure not to escape the hierarchy. *)
end = struct
type t = { current_package : Fs.Directory.t; current_dir : Fs.Directory.t }

type error = [ `Escape_hierarchy ]

let make ~current_package ~current_dir = { current_package; current_dir }

let resolve_relative t relpath =
let path = Fs.File.append t.current_dir relpath in
if Fs.Directory.contains ~parentdir:t.current_package path then Ok path
else Error `Escape_hierarchy

module StringMap = Map.Make (String)

let build_imports_map imports =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,41 +418,51 @@ let add_unit_to_cache u =
Hashtbl.add unit_cache target_name [ u ]

let lookup_path _ap ~pages ~libs:_ (kind, tag, path) =
let lookup_path _ap ~pages ~libs:_ ~hierarchy (kind, tag, path) =
let module Env = Odoc_xref2.Env in
let ( >>= ) x f = match x with Some x' -> f x' | None -> None in
let page_path_to_path path =
(* Turn [foo/bar] into [foo/page-bar.odoc]. *)
match List.rev path with
| [] -> []
| name :: rest -> List.rev (("page-" ^ name ^ ".odoc") :: rest)
let segs =
match List.rev path with
| [] -> []
| name :: rest -> List.rev (("page-" ^ name ^ ".odoc") :: rest)
Fs.File.of_segs segs
let find_by_path ?root named_roots path =
match Named_roots.find_by_path ?root named_roots ~path with
| Ok x -> x
| Error (NoPackage | NoRoot) -> None
let load_page path =
match load_unit_from_file path with
| Some (Odoc_file.Page_content page) -> Env.Path_page page
| _ -> Env.Path_not_found
let find_page ?root path =
( pages >>= fun pages ->
find_by_path ?root pages path >>= fun path ->
load_unit_from_file path >>= function
| Odoc_file.Page_content page -> Some page
| _ -> None )
|> function
| Some page -> Env.Path_page page
(pages >>= fun pages -> find_by_path ?root pages path) |> function
| Some path -> load_page path
| None -> Env.Path_not_found
let find_page_in_hierarchy path =
match hierarchy with
| Some hierarchy -> (
match Hierarchy.resolve_relative hierarchy path with
| Ok path -> load_page path
| Error `Escape_hierarchy ->
Env.Path_not_found (* TODO: propagate more information *))
| None -> Env.Path_not_found
match (kind, tag) with
| `Page, `TCurrentPackage ->
(* [path] is within the current package root. *)
let path = Fs.File.of_segs (page_path_to_path path) in
find_page path
find_page (page_path_to_path path)
| `Page, `TAbsolutePath -> (
match path with
| root :: path ->
let path = Fs.File.of_segs (page_path_to_path path) in
find_page ~root path
| root :: path -> find_page ~root (page_path_to_path path)
| [] -> Env.Path_not_found)
| `Page, `TRelativePath -> find_page_in_hierarchy (page_path_to_path path)
| _ -> Env.Path_not_found

type t = {
Expand All @@ -435,32 +471,50 @@ type t = {
pages : Named_roots.t option;
libs : Named_roots.t option;
open_modules : string list;
hierarchy : Hierarchy.t option;

type roots = {
page_roots : (string * Fs.Directory.t) list;
lib_roots : (string * Fs.Directory.t) list;
current_lib : string option;
current_package : string option;
current_dir : Fs.Directory.t;

let create ~important_digests ~directories ~open_modules ~roots =
let ap = Accessible_paths.create ~directories in
let pages, libs =
let pages, libs, hierarchy =
match roots with
| None -> (None, None)
| Some { page_roots; lib_roots; current_lib; current_package } ->
( Some (Named_roots.create ~current_root:current_package page_roots),
Some (Named_roots.create ~current_root:current_lib lib_roots) )
| None -> (None, None, None)
| Some { page_roots; lib_roots; current_lib; current_package; current_dir }
let pages = Named_roots.create ~current_root:current_package page_roots
and libs = Named_roots.create ~current_root:current_lib lib_roots in
let hierarchy =
match Named_roots.find_by_path pages ~path:(Fpath.v ".") with
| Ok (Some current_package) ->
let current_package = Fs.Directory.of_file current_package in
Some (Hierarchy.make ~current_package ~current_dir)
| Ok None | Error _ -> None
(Some pages, Some libs, hierarchy)
{ important_digests; ap; open_modules; pages; libs }
{ important_digests; ap; open_modules; pages; libs; hierarchy }

(** Helpers for creating xref2 env. *)

open Odoc_xref2

let build_compile_env_for_unit
{ important_digests; ap; open_modules = open_units; pages; libs } m =
open_modules = open_units;
hierarchy = _;
} m =
add_unit_to_cache (Odoc_file.Unit_content m);
let imports_map = build_imports_map m.imports in
let lookup_unit = lookup_unit ~important_digests ~imports_map ~libs ap
Expand All @@ -476,11 +530,12 @@ let build_compile_env_for_unit

(** [important_digests] and [imports_map] only apply to modules. *)
let build ?(imports_map = StringMap.empty)
{ important_digests; ap; open_modules = open_units; pages; libs } =
{ important_digests; ap; open_modules = open_units; pages; libs; hierarchy }
let lookup_unit = lookup_unit ~libs ~important_digests ~imports_map ap
and lookup_page = lookup_page ~pages ap
and lookup_impl = lookup_impl ap
and lookup_path = lookup_path ap ~pages ~libs in
and lookup_path = lookup_path ap ~pages ~libs ~hierarchy in
{ Env.open_units; lookup_unit; lookup_page; lookup_impl; lookup_path }

let build_compile_env_for_impl t i =
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/odoc/resolver.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ type t
type roots = {
page_roots : (string * Fs.Directory.t) list;
lib_roots : (string * Fs.Directory.t) list;
current_lib : string option;
current_package : string option;
current_lib : string option; (** Name of the current [-L]. *)
current_package : string option; (** Name of the current [-P]. *)
current_dir : Fs.Directory.t;
(** Directory containing the output for the current unit. *)

val create :
Expand Down
32 changes: 11 additions & 21 deletions test/xref2/path_references.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@

$ odoc link -P pkg:h/pkg/doc -L libname:h/pkg/lib/libname h/pkg/doc/subdir/page-dup.odoc
$ odoc link -P pkg:h/pkg/doc -L libname:h/pkg/lib/libname h/pkg/doc/subdir/page-bar.odoc
File "h/pkg/doc/subdir/page-Test.odoc":
File does not exist
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 12, characters 49-56:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference unresolvedroot(Test) Couldn't find "Test"
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 12, characters 39-48:
Expand All @@ -17,14 +19,12 @@
Warning: Failed to resolve reference /pkg/libname/Test Path '/pkg/libname/Test' not found
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 12, characters 0-17:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference //libname/Test Path '//libname/Test' not found
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 10, characters 35-43:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./dup Path 'dup' not found
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 6, characters 42-50:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./bar Path 'bar' not found
File "doc/subdir/bar.mld", line 4, characters 21-27:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference unresolvedroot(foo) Couldn't find "foo"
$ odoc link -P pkg:h/pkg/doc -L libname:h/pkg/lib/libname h/pkg/doc/page-dup.odoc
$ odoc link -P pkg:h/pkg/doc -L libname:h/pkg/lib/libname h/pkg/doc/page-foo.odoc
File "h/pkg/doc/page-Test.odoc":
File does not exist
File "doc/foo.mld", line 12, characters 49-56:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference unresolvedroot(Test) Couldn't find "Test"
File "doc/foo.mld", line 12, characters 39-48:
Expand All @@ -33,18 +33,8 @@
Warning: Failed to resolve reference /pkg/libname/Test Path '/pkg/libname/Test' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 12, characters 0-17:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference //libname/Test Path '//libname/Test' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 10, characters 35-48:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./subdir/dup Path 'subdir/dup' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 8, characters 21-29:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./dup Path 'dup' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 6, characters 56-71:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./subdir/bar Path 'subdir/bar' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 6, characters 42-55:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./subdir/bar Path 'subdir/bar' not found
File "doc/foo.mld", line 6, characters 35-41:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference unresolvedroot(bar) Couldn't find "bar"
File "doc/foo.mld", line 4, characters 28-36:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./foo Path 'foo' not found
$ odoc link --current-package pkg -P pkg:h/pkg/doc -L libname:h/pkg/lib/libname h/pkg/lib/libname/test.odoc
File "", line 12, characters 42-51:
Warning: Failed to resolve reference ./Test Path 'Test' not found
Expand All @@ -69,21 +59,21 @@ Helper that extracts references in a compact way. Headings help to interpret the
Expand All @@ -100,14 +90,14 @@ Helper that extracts references in a compact way. Headings help to interpret the
Expand Down

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