- Fast focus window (Super + f, Super + h/j/k/l).
- Command panel (like Vscode), used to launch software, manage tags, and some useful commands (Super + p for complete command panel, Super + r for run applications).
- Simulate mouse operations with the keyboard (Super + m).
Floating layout with windows clastic theme
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 bjornbytes/rxlua
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 fzy 1.0-1
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 lua-cjson 2.1.0-1
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 penlight 1.12.0-2
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 inspect 3.1.3
luarocks install --local --lua-version 5.3 u-test 1.1.0-0