Module to convert intigers (00-99) to pixel arrays which can be drawn to Sense HAT modules 8x8 pixel screen.
in to your project folder.
Use from int_To_Pixels import intToPixels
To import the module to your code.
Originally published at my former High Schools repo. I personally own te rights to this code so I'm creating a repo for it to be used again.
Example of use:
# Exaple to print number 50 to Sense HAT modules screen in red color
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from int_To_Pixels import intToPixels
sense = SenseHat()
# intToPixels(Intiger, foreground color as [R, G, B], background color as [R, G, B])
sense.set_pixels(intToPixels(50, [255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]))