Hi, this is a template of a discord.py bot for beginners. It is divided in various folders:
. Modules are simply some event listeners and can be registered byself.bot.add_listener(function, "event")
. So, for exampleself.bot.add_listener(self.on_message, "on_message")
Command template:
import discord
from discord import app_commands
from base.BaseCommand import BaseCommand
class ExampleCommand(BaseCommand):
def __init__(self, bot):
async def register(self):
print("Command ExampleCommand loaded.")
@app_commands.command(name="hello", description='Answers with "hello, user!".')
async def hello(interaction: discord.Interaction):
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Hello, {interaction.user.mention}!")
def setup(bot):
command = ExampleCommand(bot)
return command.register()
Module template:
import discord
from base.BaseModule import BaseModule
from discord.ext import commands
class ExampleEvent(BaseModule):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
def setup(self):
print("Module ExampleEvent loaded.")
async def on_presence_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
print(f"Presence update: {after.name}")
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
if(message.author != self.bot.user):
print("Received a message!")
async def on_guild_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
print(f"Guild member update: {after.name}")
async def register_events(self):
self.bot.add_listener(self.on_presence_update, 'on_presence_update')
self.bot.add_listener(self.on_guild_member_update, 'on_guild_member_update')
self.bot.add_listener(self.on_message, "on_message")
async def setup(bot: commands.Bot):
module = ExampleEvent(bot)
await module.register_events()
- 1: Download python 3.12+
- 2: Install discord.py,
pip install discord
- 3: Create a bot from the Discord Developer Page
- 4: Paste the bot token into the code of bot.py
bot.run("TOKEN HERE") -> bot.run("nfdjsdhfiurhd.82njeh.uihwgsf78dsytfbe")
- 5: Ready to go! Just run
python bot.py
to execute the bot.
Fell free to fork this repo and make some updates, or if you don't know how programming, open an issue of suggestion!