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Releases: JustBarnt/NvaderVIM


14 May 13:21
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Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.5


06 Apr 15:22
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JustNVIM 2.0 - Now known as NvaderVIM is ready for release!

With a complete re-architecture of the setup I felt this update earned a new name hinting at one of my favorite shows growing up Invader Zim.

Release 2.0

Directory Architecture

  1. after directory
    a. This directory contains some pre-configured filetype specific settings a few filetypes
  2. lua directory
    a. This directory is the same as always for all neovim configurations
  3. core directory
    a. This directory contains of the core plugins, auto-commands, user-commands, and functionality that I find important for this distribution to work
    how I want it to function.
    b. As a note these are not something that can be disabled via user/config.lua. You will need to have an understanding of lua/neovims ecosystem to disable or edit these.
  4. extras directory
    a. This directory contains auto-cmds and user-commands that add extra functionality: e.g. formatting code on save, or trimming trailing whitespace
  5. plugins directory
    a. This directory is the standard plugins directory you would see in any neovim configuration. These can be disabled, edit, etc via user/config.lua you could also just edit the files directly in plugins but that could get overwhelming if you are new to neovim or building configurations.
  6. user directory
    a. This directory will contain all user specific configurations.
    b. You config.lua will be moved to here by coping lua/default_config.lua and moving it into user/config.lua
    c. You can also create a plugins/init.lua and when you relaunch neovim it will source files in there as well

    [NOTE] When creating a plugins/init.lua make sure you add the following snippet in the init.lua - return {}
    This is important because lazy.nvim our package manager looks for a file that returns a table whether it has content or not.

  7. snippets directory
    a. Last the snippets directory is a folder containing vscode like snippets for our completion engine to import and use via one of its plugin dependencies

Core Changes


I have built a health.lua scrpit that I got from inspriation from almost every other distribution or starter like kickstart.nvim It will run and give you warnings on all the executables that are needed for certain functionality. I will be updating this file to give you actual information on plugins/functionality that will not work without said executables


plugins/ contains most of the rework and meat of the 2.0 re-write. I will not be listing everything as there are just so many changes, but I will be listing some big additions/improvements

  1. LSP
    a. One of the most indepth being the language server protocol setup. I wrote it from the ground up breaking away from what I originally had which was based of spending hours reading @tjdevries neovim config when I built my first neovim configuration. The lsp setup now will also merge items in the user/config.lua so you can add your own lsps/formatters etc.
  2. Legendary
    a. Legendary is a command panel like plugin that can read keymaps, commands, user-commands, auto-cmds all being used and display them to the user
    b. Legendary exposes some usefull commands like: Legendary
    i. I also created a couple user-commands for it like LegendaryKeymaps|LegendaryCommands
  3. Edgy
    a. Edgy is a plugin that allows you to create pre-defined spaces for specific plugins or buffers to always open in.
  4. Toggleterm is a plugin that allows you to run your terminal inside neovim via a window, float, etc.
    a. I have added a built in keymap <leader>lg that will open up toggleterm running lazygit if you have lazygit installed on your system
  5. Neo-tree replaced Oil. I love Oil but I found it getting in the way an trying to set it up to work in a manner like I can make Neo-tree work with Edgy where it could persist on a side windows without being in the way was impossible almost.

Those are some of the bigger changes to the core.

There are many changes, to many for me to list. Further updates here out will not be as large and I will continue to work on improving this.

Release v1.3.0

29 Feb 00:42
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  • Refactored Entire LSP setup: 59f9174 / 77bcb85
  • Additional Telescope Mappings and Plugins
    • Mappings: 2a0e6c9
    • Plugins: 6acf2d2,
    • Telescope Cmdline (Uses telescope for cmdline entry)
    • UI-Select (Wraps in a telescope ui)
    • Telescope uses ripgrep inside .svelte-kit due to how windows not being able to handle (foldername) | [foldername]


  • toggleterm.nvim
    • Better Neovim terminal integration
    • Works with Lazygit (Recommended to install)
  • garbage-day
    • Destroys stale LSP servers to free memory
  • ts-error-translator
    • A nvim replicate of Matt Pococks ts-error-translator VSCode extension
  • cd-project
    • Creates a very simple ui for quickly switching between projects

Up Next

  • Make telescope use ripgrep for .svelte-kit if jit.os is Windows only.


27 Feb 00:31
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Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0


19 Feb 02:30
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Update v1.1.0


  • Dashboard: Implemented Dashboard.nvim
  • Keymaps: <S-h> / <S-l> Jumping to previous and next buffer


  • Adjusted Undotree window layout
  • nvim-cmp: Autocompletion UI
  • Disabled corner diagnostics from corn.nvim till I can workout issues where it freezes NVIM through TSServer.


12 Feb 03:21
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