TOHE v2.2.12
AmongUs versions earlier than v2023.2.28 cannot be launched.
- Base on TOH v4.1.2
- Fixed bug that Greedy would cause the meeting to crash
- Fixed bug that The Swooper will die after the skill ends
- Fixed bug that Fortuneteller was performing an unnecessary reset camera operation
- Fixed bug that Sheriff was performing an unnecessary reset camera operation on non-host clients
- Fixed bug that ejection confirmation still shows Executioner victory after Executioner has exited the game
- Fixed bug that Swooper's kill ignores any status of the victim and kills directly
- Optimize part of the code during the meeting to reduce lag
- Reduce the degree of low load mode to avoid some errors
- Better Ping display
- Hide useless buttons in PVP mode
- Allow setting the fueling time for Arsonist and the recruiting time for Revolutionist to 0
- Btter intro screen
New Feature
- Press F1 while using a mod to display your role's description
- Some pop-up prompts for the UI of Guesser, Judge, and Mafia
- Sound effects for some role skills for mods
- Show role mode if Hide Game Settings is OFF
- Kill count for last results
- Option: Medic knows a player's shield is broken
- Mario's vent button will display the remaining number of vents needed
- The number of remaining skills will be displayed on the Hacker's shapeshift button
- The number of remaining bullets will be displayed on the Quick Shooter's shapeshift button
- Text for vent button for Revolutionist, Terrorist, Veteran, Grenadier, Mario, Mayor, Paranoid
- Text of the Sheriff's kill button
Role Changing
- Lazy Guy won't become a Workaholic
New Role
- Neutral:Blood Knight
- Impostor:CrewPostor
AmongUs v2023.2.28 之前的版本无法启动
- 基于官方版本 v4.1.2
- 修复贪婪者会导致会议崩溃的问题
- 修复隐匿者在技能结束后会死亡且没有碎盾提示的问题
- 修复占卜师进行了非必要的重置摄像机操作的问题
- 修复警长在非房主客户端进行了非必要的重置摄像机操作的问题
- 修复处刑人退出游戏后依然在驱逐确认文本中显示为胜利的问题
- 修复隐匿者的击杀忽视了受害者的任何状态而是直接击杀的问题
- 优化会议期间的部分代码以减少卡顿
- 降低低负载模式的程度以避免部分错误
- 延迟显示文本微调
- 个人竞技模式下隐藏没有用的按钮
- 允许将纵火犯的浇油时间和革命家的拉拢时间设置为0
- 开场画面微调
- 模组端按F1显示自己的职业介绍
- 赌怪、法官、黑手党的UI新增部分弹窗提示
- 为模组端的部分职业技能添加了音效
- 在查询特定职业信息时显示设定的职业生成模式
- 复盘信息现在会显示击杀总数
- 选项:医生知道某位玩家的护盾破碎
- 马里奥的管道按键上会显示剩余需要跳管次数
- 骇客的变形按键上会显示剩余技能次数
- 快枪手的变形按键上会显示剩余子弹数量
- 革命家、恐怖分子、老兵、掷雷兵、马里奥、市长、被害妄想症的跳管按键的文本
- 警长击杀按键的文本
- 摆烂人不会成为加班狂
- 中立阵营:嗜血骑士
- 内鬼阵营:船鬼