TOHE v2.3.4
AmongUs versions earlier than v2023.2.28 cannot be launched.
- Base on TOH v4.1.2
- Fixed bug that F1 and F2 can be used in PVP mode
- Fixed bug that F2 will show a charmed role
- Fixed bug that high ping in PVP mode may cause stuck in the vent
- Fixed bug that option for Snitch Can Become Workhorse Appears in experimental roles tab
- Fixed bug that option Charmed players know each other doesn't work
- Fixed bug that The format of the vanilla player name prompt is wrong
- Fixed bug that The Madmate on mod will show everyone as teammates at the intro
- Fixed bug that Succubus may cause black screen
- Fixed bug that The trial of the Judge and the revenge of the Mafia at the meeting may cause the Terrorist to fail to win, the Executioner's role will not change, and the Celebrity skills will not be triggered, etc.
- Fixed bug that Lovers will leave dead bodies after meeting with Gueser guessing, Judge trial, Mafia revenge
- Fixed bug that Mafia's revenge in non-meetings may cause the vanilla player's name and roles to display abnormally
- Fixed bug that if the Mafia takes revenge multiple times in quick succession, the limit can be bypassed
- Fixed bug that Revolutionist and Arsonists who become Reach may be terminated immediately when dousing or recruiting due to too far away
- Fixed bug that the Fortune Teller can't get result when voting Succubus
- Fixed bug that the CrewPostor on mod will show everyone as teammates at the intro
- Fixed bug that Meeting skill buttons don't disappear after voting ends
- Fixed bug that Killing the Avenger by the Butcher will not avenge the whole players
- Mafia revenge at meeting leaves no body now
New Feature
- PVP Mode uses the task panel to display leaderboards and personal stats
- Option: Impostors can't sabotage after they died
- Option:When all Impostors are dead, the Jackal wins by sabotage instead
- Option:Reset Jackal's kill cooldown when someone is killed
Role Changing
- Arsonist and Revolutionsit's dousing/recruiting range limits will increase with the set kill range
- CrewPostor are now an experimental role
AmongUs v2023.2.28 之前的版本无法启动
- 基于官方版本 v4.1.2
- 修复个人竞技模式下可以使用F1和F2的问题
- 修复F2会显示一个被魅惑的职业的问题
- 修复个人竞技模式下延迟高可能导致卡在管道内的问题
- 修复告密者能否成为加班狂的选项出现在试验性职业中的问题
- 修复被魅惑的玩家互认选项失效的问题
- 修复原版玩家名字提示格式错误的问题
- 修复模组端叛徒开场会将所有人显示为队友的问题
- 修复魅魔可能造成黑屏的问题
- 修复法官审判和黑手党在会议上复仇可能导致恐怖分子无法胜利、处刑人职业不会转变、网红技能不会触发等问题
- 修复恋人在会议上被赌怪猜测、法官审判、黑手党复仇后会留下尸体的问题
- 修复黑手党在非会议复仇可能导致原版玩家的名字与职业显示异常的问题
- 修复黑手党若快速连续复仇多次可以绕过次数限制的问题
- 修复革命家和纵火犯成为持枪时可能由于距离过远导致涂油或拉拢被立刻终止的问题
- 修复占卜师占卜魅魔会得到白板为结果的问题
- 修复模组端船鬼开场会将所有人显示为队友的问题
- 修复会议技能按钮不会在投票结束后消失的问题
- 修复肢解者击杀复仇者不会复仇全场的问题
- 黑手党在会议上复仇不会留下尸体
- 个人竞技模式用任务面板显示排行榜和个人数值
- 选项:内鬼死后不能破坏
- 选项:没有内鬼存活时破坏视作豺狼胜利
- 选项:当有人被击杀时立刻重置豺狼的击杀冷却
- 纵火犯和革命家的浇油/拉拢的范围限制会随着设定的击杀范围增加
- 船鬼现在是试验性职业