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Ian Gilman edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 18 revisions

For every new stable build:

  1. Make sure you have all three repositories (openseadragon,, and site-build) cloned next to each other in the same folder.
  2. Check to see if there are any pull requests in the site-build repository waiting to be merged for the release. If so (and they're ready), merge them.
  3. Make sure they're all up to date, and that you're on their master branches.
  4. In the openseadragon repository:
  5. Update the version number in package.json.
  6. Make sure the changelog.txt file lists all the relevant changes and remove the "in progress" indication from the top version.
  7. Commit.
  8. git tag -a v<version> -m <version> (note the v), for example: git tag -a v0.9.125 -m 0.9.125.
  9. Double-check that you tagged the correct revision (you can use gitk, the GitHub GUI, or straight git like git show v<version>).
  10. git push origin master v<version>.
  11. grunt publish to build and publish to the site-build folder.
  12. Create a new release at and upload the files in build/releases. Enter the appropriate info from the changelog.
  13. Publish the release to npm: npm publish (see for more info).
  14. Add the next version number along with "in progress" to changelog.txt; commit and push.
  15. In the site-build repository:
  16. Commit the changes from the previous step.
  17. git tag -a v<version> -m <version> (note the v)
  18. git push origin master v<version>
  19. If there are any pull requests waiting for the release, merge them and pull them down.
  20. Run grunt publish to build and publish to the folder.
  21. In the folder:
  22. Commit the changes and push to GitHub.
  23. Let Ian know, and he'll tweet about it from @openseadragon and mention it in Gitter.
  24. Update and to the latest version of OSD and merge any of their pull requests that have been waiting for the new release.
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