Create a new folder on your computer to house the project and type:
git clone
You only have to clone it once. After you clone it, type:
git checkout -b your_branch_name
And then you can type code . or open vscode and start working
(If code . doesnt work on your computer you can check out this link
After you complete your changes on VSCode, save and open your terminal in the project folder and type the following commands:
Git status
Git add .
Git commit -m "your message"
Git push your_branch_name master
{login} (Let me know if it asks you for a token)
Git checkout master
Git delete -D your_branch_name
The next time you begin coding start with this command (git pull) and then repeat the steps above:
Git pull origin master
Git checkout -b your_branch_name
code .
Git status .. .. .. .. ..
Here is a helpful link if you want to learn more about git workflows but its not neccessary:!workflow-gitflow