Code for composing two images together with Python can be found in this (image_composition/BasicImageComposition.ipynb). The example includes sample images of lemons and a few backgrounds to compose them on top of.
Find the full tutorial here: Composing Images with Python for Synthetic Datasets
Code for training and running inference with the Matterport implementation of Mask R-CNN can be found in this (mask_rcnn/MaskRCNN_TrainAndInference.ipynb).
Please download and keep the mask-rcnn code from this link( and keep inside the folder Mask-RCNN-TF2/
The example uses a cig-butt dataset that needs to be downloaded separately from here ( a sample for the same can be found in the datasets folder along with the json.
Coco Annotations explanation can be found here - Please also follow along this video tutorial to know more about the annotation scheme used for the dataset (Youtube - Coco Dataset Format Complete Walkthrough) -
Tutorial content from