These are the MATLAB scripts and functions used to prepare the calculations for the manuscript:
K. Baltputnis, T. Schittekatte, Z. Broka,
Independent aggregation in the Nordic day-ahead market: what is the welfare impact of socializing supplier compensation payments? (preprint)
The workflow is as follows:
- Download the system price curve data reports from Nord Pool website using the script bid_downloader.m. If the command window displays a warning regarding the failure of downloading data for any particular days, the missing files have to manually be downloaded from
- Ensure that the demand response settings are input as expected in Input_settings_ms.xlsx (the '_ms' suffix here and elsewhere denotes that the calculations concern multi-step DR curves).
- Run the Full_year_ms.m script. It will save its results in the working directory in file main_results.mat, as well as processed input settings in files settings_array.mat and DR_curve.mat
- Run the DR_surplus_change_ms_.m_ script. It will save its results in the working directory in file DR_surplus_change.mat
- Run the post_proc_ms.m script. It will provide an interactive interface to visualize the main metrics of interest. Likewise these metrics and their components will be available in the active workspace via MATLAB's interface.
The workflow was last validated on 2024-02-01 using MATLAB R2021a.
After manuscript acceptance, the repository will be archived and registered on Zenodo.