A collection of scripts aimed at datacollection and modding of Astrox Imperium
- shipdata/
- shipdata_2_csv.py - Exports data from the Astrox Imperium ship-files and creates a csv.
- csv_2_shipdata.py - Imports data from a csv and exports it to Astrox Imperium ship-files (designed to be used with shipdata_2_csv.py).
- itemdb/
- itemdb_2_csv.py - Exports items_database.txt and specs_database.txt to csv and performs sanity checks.
Requires Python 3 (get it here: https://www.python.org/downloads/) When installing Python on windows, I strongly suggest to enable the option to add python to the PATH. This will make it easier to create bat files.
Working with CSV files:
- With LibreOffice Calc you won't have any issues. Just tell Calc to encapsulate the fields with '"' and split them on ';' when exporting your spreadsheet back to csv for csv_2_shipdata.
- With Excel, things are trickier and some configuration is needed:
- In Windows' Control Panel -> Regional Settings -> Additional Settings -> Change 'List separator' to '|'.
- In shipdata_settings.py, change the delimiter to
delimiter['write_csv'] = "|"
anddelimiter['read_csv'] = "|"
Example of a .bat script to use on windows:
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe C:\AstroxFiles\shipdata_2_csv.py
Running this batch file (with paths adjusted for your system) will create shipdata.csv in the same directory.
Libreoffice Calc import settings for csv: