well this project contains the backend of teh Quiz. where the user auth is done through register and login.
Explain the purpose of each major file:
: it contains teh routes of for the webpagesuser.js
: it contains the model for the web page.app.js
: contains the main packages .
well the to run node modules , passport modules , mongoose , noodemon are needed to be installed adn added to it after that most of the thing will work out.
npm install passport npm install passport-local npm install passport-local-mongoose npm install express-session npm install mongoose npm install -g nodemon
- well the use of the model is quite simple it contains the username and the password for the client.
once all the modules are downloaded command - npx nodemon or nodemon file.js should work(file= name of teh file which is needed to run).
well the authentication dor sin up is done by me . Can contribute for frontend.
MIT license