A docker image suitable for requesting new certificates from letsencrypt, and storing them in a secret on kubernetes.
Available on docker hub as ployst/letsencrypt
To provide an application that owns certificate requesting and storing.
- To serve acme requests to letsencrypt (given that you direct them to this container)
- To regularly (monthly) ask for new certificates.
- To store those new certificates in a secret on kubernetes.
Once this container is running you can generate new certificates using:
kubectl exec -it <pod> -- bash -c '[email protected] DOMAINS=example.com foo.example.com ./fetch_certs.sh'
kubectl exec -it <pod> -- bash -c 'DOMAINS=example.com foo.example.com ./save_certs.sh'
kubectl exec -it <pod> -- bash -c '[email protected] DOMAINS=example.com foo.example.com SECRET_NAME=foo DEPLOYMENTS=bar ./refresh_certs.sh'
- EMAIL - the email address to obtain certificates on behalf of.
- DOMAINS - a space separated list of domains to obtain a certificate for.
- If set, will be used to populate the /etc/letsencrypt/cli.ini file with the given server value. For testing use https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
- DEPLOYMENTS - a space separated list of deployments whose pods should be refreshed after a certificate save
- SECRET_NAME - the name to save the secrets under
- NAMESPACE - the namespace under which the secrets should be available
- CRON_FREQUENCY - the 5-part frequency of the cron job. Default is a random
time in the range
0-59 0-23 1-27 * *