Change log
TLDR: Remove deprecated files.
🚀 Enhancements
- shell: Update copyright year (dd078f7)
- about myself: Add new software (bd46161)
- about myself: Update the metadata (66a4264)
🩹 Fixes
- Update most code to adapt new language version (2bf5722)
- Change the tags to reduce semantic warnings (63de99e)
- Change the generated shared multimedia link (10d94d3)
- article: Correct imported name (6c5c0e5)
- Change elements for correct semantics (14d5c4f)
- Toggle states on clicks (fcf81ed)
- Correct target theme depending on the state (5ec21af)
- Remove outdated URL (a2f4385)
- article: Import type file correctly (63ca3dc)
- article: Correct the grammar (acaa484)
- article: Remove annotation (e4d7dfc)
💅 Refactors
- Combine duplicate imports (0a6420e)
- Remove unused states (af436bc)
- Allow customizable intrinsic width (45bf6a7)
📦 Build
- Preprocess source files (d38c6bb)
🏡 Chore
- Update the files from template (0fdf6dc)
- Remove deprecated source files (6baeeac)
- Remove used script (fd78d15)
✅ Tests
- data: Add file type to include in dictionary (3c0d6bf)
- utility: Extend the delay to load texts properly without space in files (13845f4)
- utility: Try adding space in words of dictionary instead (3c5e50f)
- utility: Clean the text before checking the result (a3f26d6)
- utility: Clean inner texts only (3a259a4)
🤖 CI
- Update the actions (d3ef4da)
🗒️ Configurations
- Update the module resolution (939b910)
🧩 Internals
- about myself: Prepare updating the page (f68b8fe)
❤️ Contributors
- Kenneth Trecy Tobias [email protected]