Small browser-based tool to calculate how much water a streamer should've drunk based on their Twitch stream uptime.
To start, run go run main.go
By default it will listen on port 8080
To get a streamer's hydration calculation, add their channel username as a GET request through the URL with the parameter channel
You can easily host it using Google's app engine or other cloud host that suports Go. That allows you to use it as an overlay or as a chat command. In my case I use Fossabot's custom api feature to display it as a chat message.
The code uses a template to codify the response. You can customize it to say whaterver you want. The available variables are:
The channel username
The channel's current livestream duration
The final value in millilitres
The final value in ounces
There's some code that calls and replaces the city name to not show my hometown in chat when pulling the command. Normally it would be easier to pull directly from the original API, however this approach was easier to handle the info.