❄️ My nixos configuration for laptop!
❄️ Regular installer download!
❄️ nix-shell -p vim git ripgrep usbutils --run fish
❄️ rg --hidden 'knutnix'
and rg --hidden 'nixos'
❄️ Set usb ids in /etc/nixos/usb.nix
❄️ Enable flakes NIXOS-FLAKES and build the system before building from flake
❄️ Check /bootloader.nix
for efiSysMountPoint, mine is set to just /boot
❄️ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake /etc/nixos#nixos
Inspired by:
- IogaMaster
- iynaix And everyone in the community for helping me: Vimjoyer-discord-server