This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and typescript template, uses redux toolkit for global state management and scss for style. You can find a live demo at (
- Simple tic tac toe game with On Air Branding and interactive user-friendly feeling.
- Basic Tic Tac Toe rules
- Ability to change between 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 grid
- Indicating player's turn, winner or draw.
- Reset turn button
- Ability to change players names
- Keep score of players wins and game draws
- Play against a not so smart ai
- Change starting mark after each round ( X goes first on odd rounds )
- Highlight winning combination
- Typescript
- React redux (toolkit) for global state management
- Some unit tests
- Single scss import
- Improve ai player's algorithm
- Implement more unit tests and integration tests
- Improve scss
In order to run the project you will need node v and above.
First in the project directory run yarn
or npm i
in your terminal.
Run yarn test
or npm test
After you install the dependencies run again in your project directory yarn start
or npm start
The app will run in development mode at (http://localhost:3000). The page will reload if you make any edits and you will be able to see any lint errors in the console. You will also see any lint errors in the console.