EasyData 1.3.0
[New]: Sample projects for Blazor Server and Blazor WebAssembly
[New]: Support for sorting by table (entity) fields in List views
[New]: Support for default display format for data types
[New]: File input editor for blob fields
[New]: Add select editor for enum properties
[Upd]: Pass grid options in view options
[Upd]: Rewrite changing location without page reloading
[Upd]: Autofocus on opened dialog
[Upd]: Refresh grid data without page reloading
[Upd]: Add ModelTuner to options
[Upd]: elasticChunks grid mode
[Upd]: Add KeepDbSetDeclarationOrder option indicating whether entities must keep the order of DbSet declarations
[Upd]: Remove constructor parameters from MetaEntityAttr descriptor
[Fix]: Max sheet name length on export to excel
[Fix]: Consider attribute order in returned result set