A library where I'll recreate datastructures that will be generically used.
DONT USE arraylist->index_tail or index_start, these should be private and work with a ring buffer, use arraylist_get_length or arraylist->length
(types of arraylist)
- arraylist_char_... , arraylist_uchar
- arraylist_short_..., arraylist_ushort
- arraylist_int_..., arraylist_uint
- arraylist_long_..., arraylist_ulong
- arraylist_longlong_..., arraylist_ulonglong
- arraylist_float_...,
- arraylist_double_...,
- arraylist_longdouble_...,
- arraylist_voidp_...
- arraylist_... <-- this one will merge types together in an arraylist
(printer function)
- arraylist_print_length
- arraylist_print_capacity
- arraylist_print_debug
(initialization and cleanup)
- arraylist_create
- arraylist_free
- arraylist_reset
- arraylist_convert -> will convert the special arraylist to a normal for whatever reason you might need this
- arraylist_set_append O(1) unless resize O(n)
- arraylist_set_prepend O(1) unless resize O(n)
- arraylist_set_insert_at O(n/2) unless resize O(n)
- arraylist_set_overwrite_at O(1) unless resize O(n)
-- Queue / ring buffer Operations-- 5. arraylist_enqueue O(1) 6. arraylist_dequeue O(1) 7. arraylist_peek_head O(1) 8. arraylist_is_full // stack too O(1) 9. arraylist_is_empty // stack too O(1)
-- Stack Operations 10. arraylist_push // O(1) 11. arraylist_pop // O(1) 12. arraylist_peek_top // O(1)
- arraylist_remove_append (removes last element) // O(1)
- arraylist_remove_prepend (removes first element) // O(1)
- arraylist_remove_insert_at (will remove in an uninsert manner) // O(n/2), neg i O(1), i > length-1 O(1)
- arraylist_remove_overwrite_at (will overwrite with initial value) // O(1)
- arraylist_get_value_at // O(1)
- arraylist_get_first_value // O(1)
- arraylist_get_last_value // O(1)
- arraylist_get_length // O(1)
- arraylist_get_capacity // O(1)
- linear search for index
- binary search for index
- iterative Search for index
- linear search for index structs
(internal helper function)
- arraylist_resize // O(n)
you can use a static array but then you will have to create and initialize the struct your self.
size_t length;
size_t capacity;
size_t index_start;
size_t index_end;
char shrinkable;
char initial_value;
char list[N]; <-- instead of char* list
} katarray_char_t;
no need anymore since my arraylist beats a linked list
no need anymore since my arraylist is also a stack. I'll include operations for stacks in my arraylist same for queue.
look at stack
no need anymore since my arraylist works as a flawless ring buffer