Kucoin Level3 Market supports both spot and futures.
- build
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags '-s -w' -o kucoin_market cmd/main/market.go
or you can download the latest available release
app_debug: true symbol: KCS-USDT #symbol: XBTUSDM app: name: market log_file: "./runtime/log/market.log" api_server: network: tcp address: token: your-rpc-token market.kucoin_v2: url: "https://api.kucoin.com" type: "spot" # url: "https://api-futures.kucoin.com" # type: "future" key: "" secret: "" passphrase: "" redis: addr: password: "" db: 0
Run Command:
./kucoin_market start -c config.yaml
Build docker image
docker build -t kucoin_market .
app_debug: true symbol: KCS-USDT #symbol: XBTUSDM app: name: market log_file: "./runtime/log/market.log" api_server: network: tcp address: token: your-rpc-token market.kucoin_v2: url: "https://api.kucoin.com" type: "spot" # url: "https://api-futures.kucoin.com" # type: "future" key: "" secret: "" passphrase: "" redis: addr: password: "" db: 0
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml --net=host kucoin_market
default endpoint : the sdk rpc is based on golang jsonrpc 1.0 over tcp.
see:python jsonrpc client demo
Get Part Order Book
{"method": "Server.GetOrderBook", "params": [{"token": "your-rpc-token", "number": 1}], "id": 0}
Add Event ClientOids To Channels
{"method": "Server.AddEventClientOidsToChannels", "params": [{"token": "your-rpc-token", "data": {"clientOid": ["channel-1", "channel-2"]}}], "id": 0}
the demo including orderbook display
- Run order_book.py
command: python3 order_book_demo.py describe: display orderbook