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Nikita Balyschew edited this page Aug 26, 2021 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the tomoBEAR wiki!

TomoBEAR a software package specialized for cryo electron tomography which is written in MATLAB and interfaces standardized tools for cryo electron tomography. With tomoBEAR you can easily process tomographic data from the raw tilt stacks which are acquired by an electron microscope to the biological structure of interest.

TomoBEAR is designed to operate on a data set in parallel where it's possible and that the user has minimal intervention and doesn't need to learn all the different software packages (MotionCor2, IMOD, Gctf, Dynamo) to be able to process cryo electron tomography data. We tried to come up with a set of predefined defaults which should fit many projects in the cryo electron tomography regime. However if some parameters need to be tweaked for specific projects to achieve best results you are free to do so.

In the following chapters we will describe...

  1. how to install and setup tomoBEAR
  2. all the available modules and their parameters
  3. how to use tomoBEAR for different datasets
  4. how to develop modules for tomoBEAR to incorporate newly developed tools or algorithms
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