OpenWrt feeds and LuCI UI for H3C 802.1X client
Compile with OpenWrt SDK
# Download OpenWrt SDK for your current platform architecture, such as ar71xx
tar xjf OpenWrt-SDK-ar71xx-for-linux-x86_64-gcc-4.8-linaro_uClibc-
cd OpenWrt-SDK-ar71xx-*
# Clone this repo
git clone package/openwrt-sysuh3c
# Select LuCI -> Applications -> luci-app-sysuh3c
make menuconfig
# Compile
make package/luci-app-sysuh3c/compile V=s
One can locate the compiled ipk files at bin/packages/<architecture>/base
Upload sysuh3c-<ver>.ipk
and luci-app-sysuh3c-<ver>.ipk
to your router's /tmp folder, then install via opkg
See releases